Yeah, you know you’re getting sick when…

I have odd symptoms when I’m getting sick. or maybe not odd, just I notice them. Whenever I’m about to get sick, my teeth start feeling odd. almost like they’re itching. it’s an ache, a pressure, that makes me want to grind them together to shift my teeth slightly and make them feel better. I’m also feeling particularly thick and dry today. thick as in thickheaded, dry as in my skin feels dry and hot. neither of which are good signs.

Oh well, at least the week’s almost over and it’s heading towards the weekend where maybe I can rest just a bit and try to recover…. anyway, nothing else to say except I’m more lonely now than I have been in months… nothing to do about it except grit my teeth and keep going on…


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December 16, 2004

I do hope you feel better dear.Rest and take lots of vitamic C and watch the Falcons win this Sunday hehe I know how you feel about the lonliness dear.Just try to hang in there and know that I’m here for you always if you need me:-) *hugs*

I hope you start to feel better soon.

December 16, 2004

Rx for chicken and mushroom soup comin’ right up.

December 20, 2004

I get that teeth feeling when I run a lot.

RYN: Yes it’s what we both want. I want to see other places then just staying in Georgia all my life.