The funny part is…

as I write these entries, I think I’m writing for an audience of 2. and I talk to both of those people online often enough that I could simply update them each personally. But la vie, I have been writing here for … years… *twitch* and I’m not going to stop now simply because I feel at times the purpose of the diary has been served. Most of my effort has been going into my own personal health and building and rebuilding friendships with the people around me who want me to be in their lives in some capacity. In addition, I am nearing completion of the first draft of my book. (Diaryname: disintegration) and I’m looking forward to writing more.

Take care people…

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December 13, 2004

I bet more than 2 read, perhaps they just don’t note, you never know who might be reading..muahahahahahhaha…ok I’ll stop now.Anyhoo that’s why I try to write strange and bizarre entries at times cuz you just never know. Ryn:Thank you dearest:-) Dude,dude..if you break 299 in bowling hten I’ll….I’ll…I’ll(no buying you dinner would just be way too cheap for that kind of win)….

December 13, 2004

…I’ll think of something hehe:-) *hugs*

December 13, 2004

yes, yes, I admit it was a cheap and easy way to try to see if anyone else is reading 🙂 but hey, cheap and easy is always good! *grins*

December 13, 2004

Ryn:hmmmm random porn or silly surveys..*weighs options* thats a toughie but I think I may have to go with random porn,that’s always good for a laugh lol:-)Thank you love, you’re the cats meow! MEOW *HUGS*

December 14, 2004

cheap and easy??? now i worry that Lola’s been talkin’ ’bout me.