Mild rant about the TSA – Then My Weekend…

Well… it’s only tangentally related to going to New York this weekend, but… on the way back, I had the joy of a luggage search. Now mind you, until such time as someone challenges the constitionality of luggage searches, (not the carry on… the search of luggage that is stored and inaccessable) it’s an accepted part of air travel. However, what I do not find acceptable is to have my stuff opened up, every single bottle was opened up, mouthwash, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste etc. Ok, I’m sure there is some valid reason that there would be a need to open up clear bottles that are stored in an inaccessible location.

What made me vexxed, was opening my bag and finding that the person who did the inspection *didn’t close* any of the bottles. so, My clothing, my books and my CD’s all were coated with a mixture of shampoo, mouthwash, toothpaste, etc. I mean… it takes more efffort to open those safety cap bottles than it does to close them. can they not show a modicrum of respect and at least close the suckers after pawing through your stuff?

— Backing up to Friday —

So, I’m heading up to New York, despite having anxiety attacks left and right, (for unrelated things over the last 2 weeks) I make it onto the plane and go up to Oneonta, New York. We get together and hang out. And I’m amazed because I’m actually taller than her. My friend claimes to be 6’1″ but in my boots of doom. I’m a good 4 – 5 inches taller. (which would put her closer to 5’11”) we hit it off well initially, but then things get really tense and dramatic as neither one of us are able to relax around each other. So the first day is a near disasterous one. (we’re talking one step away from me going to the airport and trying to fly back, and i’m sure she was one step from wanting to go back home.) We kinda settle down and have a really long talk about what it is that we wanted and what we didn’t want. Things calm down and we actually get some sleep.

So The next day, things warm up a bit, but there are still little things that happen to keep us on edge. It was like everything was conspiring to keep us from relaxing, to tell you how bad it was, we went bowling and I was having trouble breaking 100. did a little shopping, picked up Atrayu, Killswitch Engage, and the Newest Tiamat. Woooooo. Then Finally, late that night after another serious talk we both realized that we were holding back because we were simply too busy fretting too much. So finally after a day and a half we started relaxing… and communicating. Yay!

Sunday was entertaining and sweet, except the Falcons lost. Watched National Treasure. and saw the Preview to HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy. Woo. Then woke up monday morning… to see… snowwwwwwww…. little bits of snow, but it was about 22 degrees outside (and on a site note, I’d left my jacket in my car at tampa) Go get some food and then drop her off so she can get some work done. So, I start driving as the snow comes down harder… as I’m leaving Oneonta, I watch as trucks start sliding across the road… uh oh…. Mind you, there’s barely any snow on the ground, just little patches of swirling snow and some ice from melted and refrozen snow. Make it on the interstate, which rapidly plunges down to 2 lanes. So I get to drive 75 miles in driving snow (at times) By the time I get to the airport, the roads are covered, and getting into the airport was tricky.

So, it takes a good 3 hours after getting to the airport for my plane to leave…. then I was going to be stuck in Washington for another 3 hours (can’t make the early flight, if your flight is delayed… heh) but make it home, and on the flight home, I actually write and finish up chapter 10, get a start on chapter 11 and realize what I’ve writtain for chapter 12 isn’t bad. woot. It seriously felt like a logjam broke, and suddenly things made much more sense. (I also stopped worrying about making everything perfect for the moment) All in all, I’d call my trip a whole lot of fun. even with the really rough start, things turned out really well. I’m tired, but very happy that I went up there. And I miss my friend already, but in good ways.

Anyway, I”m back in tampa, and Slowly catching up with work (even as I spend a bit of time writing here…) My apologies for not having more pithy stories. Just none to tell today. (and I don’t kiss and tell :)(though it was really amusing watching both of us applaud when the H2G2 preview was shown. *bounces happily*)

Ciao for now…

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December 7, 2004

Oh my you did have a busy weekend.But I’m glad it ended up being fun and ..and got to see snow! I’m terribly jealous and terribly from the warm south,lol:-) Yes the Falcons lost,thank you for reminding me..*pouts* I can’t wait to read your story.Ive been waiting for a while now and I’m an anxious and impatient kitty.Meow! *hugs*:-)

December 7, 2004

Ryn: LOL! Mua’dib,Mua’dib 🙂

December 7, 2004

Ryn:You are wise,thank you 🙂 I utterly adore you. *hugs*

You saw snow you butthole…..:-P That’s no fair *go’s and pouts in a corner* But I’m glad you had fun dear.