Theocracy wins (Possibly) (Rant)

If you didn’t vote, and you’re complaining, shame on you. if you Didn’t vote and Bush wins, because you were too damn busy playing on your playstation, shame on you. This election isn’t over yet…. But I’m very unhappy with all the so called engaged people who weren’t engaged enough to vote. As it is, we may have 4 more years of a theocracy controlled party deciding what you can and cannot do in your home. 4 more years of a party calling anyone who’s not like them ‘immoral’ or ‘evil’ or ‘perverted’. and… having the power to create laws, that can be enforced by the power of a gun. to make sure those things they decide are immoral, or wrong, will throw you in prison and lock away the key.

Bush is going to win the popular vote by 3 million people. there was no stealing of the election this time. The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves. As I’m sure any regular reader of my diary knows, I’m a libertarian. My reasons for preferring Kerry were 3 fold:

1) I hoped he would be willing to slow down the growth of government abuses and perhaps repeal the reprehensible “Patriot Act” (September 11th, A day of tragedy, and with Republican theocray, the day that freedom died in america)

2) perhaps with a divided government, some moderation and moderate agendas would be passed, and slow the most rampant growth of government this country has ever seen. (The republican for small Government? Ha!)

3) Kerry would be more likely to promote judges who would be willing to strike down provisions of invasive laws that continue to eat away at the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments. (sidebar: Did you realize that it is now legal for a police officer to search you and your house without a warrent so long as it’s a ‘cursory’ search, note, the definition of cursory is not spelled out.)

an interesting website: He’s a bit too anti drug for me, but he’s honest and he has some interesting openions that I can agree with on a lot of fronts. (The irony is, I believe all drugs should be legalized, or all drugs and tobacco and alcohol will be illegalized, quit having a double standard because corporations make lots of money… so what if 50,000 people die each year from drinking… and goodness knows how many from tobacco….)

CNN just called Ohio…. the colored it Green… “Too Close to Call” LOL

With that, I’m out

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November 3, 2004

Very good points.I’m just as numb as you are about Bush winning.This is the second election that I voted LP all the way across the ballod,perhaps one day our voice will be heard. *hugs*

November 3, 2004

Thanks for stopping by my diary. I hope you will come back often. =) Where in Georgia are you? I’m in south Georgia! Have a great rest of your night!