Errr clubbing…

So, tonight, I went to the Castle. it’s an industrial/goth club in Tampa. Picked up my new Lesbian friend ™ Rachel and headed over there after dropping off my kinda room mate at a friend of her’s house. Rachel was dressed in combat boots, camoflauge pants, a skirt and a Terrorfakt T-Shirt (rolled up so it was more tank top like). I was dressed in my boots, black jeans, mesh shirt and Fear Factory T-shirt. wheeee drive drive drive. Didn’t get lost this time….and parked

Once We got there I asked my friend if I should go with the Fear Factory T-Shirt or go with just the mesh shirt. She was like, ‘dude take off the shirt and let’s see.’ So I took it off, and she goes ‘wooo, dude, go with the mesh, You’re sexy’ *laughs* So, we go down towards the club, and she’s “Ok, You’re my date for tonight” and we amble into the club. (this was a high point… when a lesbian calls you sexy you know you’re doing something right *laughs*)

The club reminds me somewhat of the masqurade in atlanta, if it were set up to have an upstairs dance floor and purgatory. (no hell) There are 2 dance floors, a small downstairs one, and a semi-decent one upstairs. It happened to be their 10th anniversery night there. And about 30 seconds into walking in, I was molested by some older chick there. errrrr… ok it’s one of those nights evidently.

Spend about 10 minutes just lookin and watching. there’s some wierd alice in wonderland video playing on all the big screens. the music is fairly industrial, don’t recognize any of the songs. but it’s not too bad. Start dancing… and dance for a good 40 – 45 minutes straight. In the meantime, it ends up the alice in wonderland movie is a porno. Yeah, alice is having sex with the white rabbit, then getting double teamed by Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Oh and Ron Jeremy was in it. and yeah, nothing like seeing some DP while trying to dance. Kinda disturbing actually *laughs*

anyway, it was an intersting night, Rachel came back to the house for a moment, borred my Bikini Kill and Dark City. She also thinks my roomie is cute. and my roomie thinks she’s cute too… so who knows…*laughs*

anyway, just got home a little while ago, I’m utterly worn out. so ot’s sleepy time for me 🙂

For some reason, I kept thinking of my friend Lauren and how she keeps threatening to take me to a club one day if I ever see her LOL. I learned that I really can’t dance well in boots. my poor feet.


Night all


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i love industrial/goth clubs. they’re fun. Just saying hi! Found you randomly. And, your molestation thingie… reminded me of something that happened to be… by a woman as well… hee hee.

October 3, 2004

Ohhh Alice in Wonderland porn!!!! I sooo want that!! Do you know the name of the porn by chance? hehe:-p Glad you had a good time dear. *HUGS* 🙂

Woohoo you had fun. You so needed that. I’ve been worried about you lately. Ya know I miss ya right my little cookie…heeheehee. Anyways *mwah* Bunches of hugs and kisses. Love ~*~Nichole~*~ And btw you are sexy. I always told you that. But I hate that mesh shirt…lol.