Bite the Hand the Bleeds…

“Now I know no one trusts you,
And to think, not even you do.
And I know, you salted my wounds

One more drop of blood I spill,
One more drop you take,
One more drop and I will spite…
And bite the hand that bleeds
Bite the hand that bleeds you” – Fear Factory

Yeah, Go back one entry… click on the damn links. Hell, I’ll even rewrite them here. happy? Better damn well be. No more blood from me. No more, do you hear me? And to think I was pretty happy 10 minutes ago. *whistles* mood swing from hell. Even played some chess on yahoo. went 3 – 3 – 0 So here, have a chess game to look … annoted even… (not that anyone here will enjoy the game)

Game one, I’m playing Black, 15 minute Time limit on the game. Won with 22 seconds remaining. I think I fell asleep during the game for a brief moment. that or else i zoned out listening to Fear Factory… either way, still a game I felt was a well played game. (though the previous 2 games that I forgot to mail myself were even more fun, The first because of the swings of momentum, even though I lost the game, it was still fun, the second because He fell into a nasty trap and had a lost game by move 5 (the game went another 20 moves before he was mated). The First game featured a very tense standoff in positional play. White developed a positional advantage on the center, but Black was able to garner some good counterplay on the queenside wing.

Game Pirc Defense (Transposed from the Robatsch Defense)

(Conceptually, both defenses are a sound and hypermodern way to play chess. Basicly Black Dares white to try to control the Center and then set about trying to show White the Error of his/her ways. Failure however, can lead to a slow suffocating death for Black.)

1.   e2-e4     g7-g6
2.   d2-d4     g8-f6
3.   f1-d3      d7-d6
4.   c2-c3     f8-g7
5.   g1-f3      o-o
6.   h2-h3     b8-d7  //This might seem like an odd placement for the knight but it’s in preparation of the c -pawn advance
7.   o-o        c7-c5
8.   c1-e3    c5-c4   //Continuing the support of the Q side.
9.   d3-c2    d6-d5
10. b1-d2    b7-b5
11. b2-b3    a7-a5  //Queenside pawns all advanced forward!
12. b3xc4   d5xc4
13. e4-e5    f6-d5  //concentrating the threats on the c3 pawn
14. d2-b1    a5-a4
15. d1-d2   d8-a5   //The pressure continues to mount
16. c2-e4   c8-b7
17. b1-a3   d7-b6
18. a1-b1   d5xe3  //White has been concentrating pressure on blacks B5 pawn… The exhange Simplifies matters
19. e4xb7  e3xf1
20. g1xf1   a8-b8
21. b1xb5  a5-a7  //The Exhange nets a slight advantage for black, but at the cost of isolated a and c pawns
22. b7-e4   e7-e6
23. b5-b4   b6-d5
24. b4xc4  f7-f6
25. d2-c2   a7-a6  //Having taken the C pawn, white now threatens the A pawn of black…
26. e4-d3   d5-b6  //Mistake, but White didn’t realize the material advantage he could get.
27. c4-c6   a6-b7
28. c6xe6  f6xe5  //Going Pawn chomping at a time like this… who’d think that would ever happen
29. f3xe5  g7xe5
30. e6xe5  b8-e8  //At this point I began seriously eyeing A mate in the corner.
31. e5-b5  b7-c7
32. b5-c5  c7-h2   //White needed to take the pawn with his bishop
33. f2-f3   h2-h1+ 
34. f1-f2   h1-e1++

there, are you happy now?

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May 1, 2004

I joined a few days ago,but didn’t know that you could send links to your friends.When I have the energy to do so then I will.*hugs*

We never played chess, always wanted to learn. Guess I’ll have to learn another way, but I knew you was real good at it. Hope your feeling somewhat better w/ your bronwhatsits name….lol!! Anyways I miss you and please take care of yourself. *kiss and hug* ~Nichole~

How are we in a maze again? And the only numbers I have of yours are the 404 area code, not your new one’s.