Past, Present, and Future

It’s one thirty am and the music softly pours out of the speakers as a soft syrup into the air, though my flesh, into my bones. The notes flow along. Touching everything around. flowing into my vessels with their dark energy. An explosion of past, present and future as the music implies possibilities endless. All crystalized into one path at each moment of now. Every moment forever etched into the past unchanging. (see tech note 1) And each possible future waits. Choose now! The whispers echo. Music dragging forth all the emotion. Choose now! Each moment of now will choose for you.

Time To choose Kiddo. No time like the present to make the choices.

(Tech Note 1: Due to Causality Restraints there is nothing illegal about visiting the past, however if you have visited the past before, you will have already been in the past. therefore your actions had already occured. Hence whatever actions you would have taken in the past will already be taken into account in the future. There is nothing in current theory to prevent the creation of a closed timelike curve, however current theory does limit any movement only for subatomic particles through said closed timelike curves.)

(Tech Note 2: However all bets are off about what can happen if according to some cosmological theories, there exist a seperate universe that exists for every choice that has ever occurred, and each time a choice happens (on a quantum level) a new universe is spawned off. The number of universes implied by this concept is staggeringly large. (but not infinite) but still possible)

(Tech Note 3: if you think the idea of time travel is bad enough now, add in the concept of a ‘foamy’ structure of the universe. that our universe is simply one speck of 4 dimensional spacetime existing in a much higher dimensional ‘multiverse’ (not out of the question, as this would explain the apparent acceleration of the universe (as opposed to a deceleration) the concept being, that gravity on a large scale is leaking out into the other universes and losing it’s punch over distance. (conceptually, gravity seems to break down on a cosmological scale, and also, strangely enough, on a quantum scale) )

(Tech Note 4: head hurting yet? it will be. We’re all familiar with the arrow of time, and the concept of time being a one dimensional concept (past, present future on a line) well there is nothing that prevents the existance of multiple dimensions of time. try imagining a universe with a 2 dimensional time axis. where causality moves along 2 axis. (people have trouble conceptualizing 4 spacial dimensions. (got front and back? good, now left and right, great, now up and down. excellent. now imagine 2 more driections that are right angles to all 3 other dimensions. the dimensions exist, they’re just outside of our ability to reach or physically explore.)

My mind is workin overtime. I’m miserable. oh well. at least I’m not listening to The Cure right now. love em, but damn they are depressing. 🙂

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February 6, 2004

Even though reading this made my brain hurt, in my current state of mental well being,which is one nugget short of a happy meal, this made a bizarre kind of sense to really I’m serious.You’re writings,no matter what they are about,are amazing and never ever dull.Keep doing that voo doo that you do so well..and now to find that missing nugget:-) *hugs* Love you Amy

Oddly enough, I understand you. I’ve always understood you, even thought I understood it in my own blonde way. I miss ya my cookie. *meow**kiss nose…grr* ~Nichole~