ok ok, enough already, I’ll write more!

Time: 3:15 am
Weight: 168 and slipping slightly
music: none… the weather channel is on though, does that count?

yeah, I like the weather channel, particularly when any interesting weather is happening. I’m watching more about Hurricane Isabel than I did on Gulf War II. Deep down I really do want to be a meterologist. At the same time, I don’t think I have the paitence for it. Though I am applying at Ga Tech for Geo sciences Grad stuff. so you never know.

Life is going fairly well, I get to go in on wednesday and get my heart photographed (well sonogramed) as per an echocardiogram. So, I’ll find out if I’m dead or not. if i am dead. I’ll try to write here and say good bye. *smirks slightly*

In the meantime, I’m scratching my head as I realize that I’ve gone from being totally isolated and alone (it seemed) to suddenly having several people interested in me. Having people interested is flattering and a nice feeling, but I still can’t shake the idea that I need to get my life in a bit better condition before I make any real efforts to seek out a serious relationship. Add on to the complications. what happens when people live long distance? do you just give up? not I, I’m stubborn and I don’t want someone who happens to live in another state just thing I’d drop them because I’m having fun right now. I just wish they lived closer.

but in the meantime, I can only do the best I can do. and sometimes that’s all you can ever ask. Still not sure why my weight is dropping. maybe it’s because I’m burning the candle down fast and hard. So, is it bad I don’t want a serious relationship still? or more specificly, I don’t want to reach for a serious relationship until I’m more comfortable. the way I figure it, someone who does truely care about me would be paitent while I got my life(shit) together, but not too paitent. because no one should wait forever. eh. what am I babbling about?

(writers block, we don’t need no steenkin writers block)

if Isabel wasn’t so powerful, I’d drive to the coast and watch it come in. but even I am not crazy enough to deal with a hurricane who’s winds are sustained at 160 MPH and has gusts past 200 MPH. it’s like a tornado 90 miles wide. so people if you live near the coast, or you have friends living on the coast who live under a rock, make sure they keep an ear to the ground and keep updated on what’s happening out there.


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Watching Isabel would be exciting. West, cold, and rather breezy… but exciting.

I had that test done because I have a murmur. Turns out it’s a microvalve prolapse. Fun times.

Hello my dear…I hope all is well with your health…I’d hate to think that you’re not well 🙁 :: kiss :: be good