Green Arms

Time: 3:35am
Weight: 177
Music: Dark Tranquility

My arm has turned the neatest shade of green. quite a nice shade of green really. That highlighter green. Never seen it on an arm before. My vacation plans are now utterly confused, I was going to hang out with a friend starting tomorrow, but she got monster sick. (mono and strep, at once!) so those are put on hold, but I am going to visit another friend for a couple of days and just relax and get away from everyone.

just kinda annoying having 2 doctors appointments tomorrow, and my car is in the shop…. whee

go me

Writing I have been. all on paper though, I wonder if anyone would buy the book if I managed to finish it 🙂

(I know how the story starts, I know how it ends, it’s the getting there that takes a while, particularly when the characters start doing things a little different in your head than you expect them to do. (if that doesn’t make sense, don’t worry, you either get it or you don’t *grins*)

tiem to get some rest

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I hope you have a good vacation. I would love to read what you have written. You owe me a story anyway! Miss you!

Green is not good, sorry about the arm.Have a safe and fun trip.Take care:-)

Green? why green? I’m confuzzled. I miss you… ~Carmen

the voices in my head never listen to me either…. wait…. characters…. you said characters.. well nevermind.
