Velocity, Atrocity

Time: 1:45am
Music: Tool
Weight: 172

stabbing their hands out like skeletal accusations towards kevlar, the crowding mass pressed in, their vacant eyes accusing. Darkness encroached and Kevlar pressed his back to the side of the abandoned building. His eyes were frantic and searching the swarming mass of people closing in. His hands clawing unconciously the hard stone, searching the stone for some door, some way out of there.

The hands grasped his jacket and pulled him into the swarming mass. In sinking desperation Kevlar cried out as the clawing hands began tearing into his flesh.

“Don’t you understand yet? I don’t want to hurt you!” Their sightless eyes stared down at kevlar and they continued their assault. Kevlar lashed out, slicing the skin on the poor pitiful people, cutting their skin as though ripping through tissue. but still, they kept coming mindless to the slaughter, The only sound, the tearing of flesh, and sobbing, and in the distance, laughter. Finally the last of the thralled people lay broken at his feet. Dimly Kevlar realized that the sobbing was from him as he look around with tear filled eyes for the source of the continuing laughter.

Sitting on the side of a Honda civic (red with black trim, 2 doors and stock. Kevlar noted with the distracted portion of his mind) was an old man in rags, still chuckling he jumped down to the pavement, spashing into the pooling blood with the almost childlike glee of the schoolkids coming home from school, jumping into the puddles of water. “Oh, I must say, good show, what a wonderful way to start an evening, slaughtering all those poor innocent cattle.” He squatted down and picked up the lifeless body and watched intently as the blood trickled out of the body onto the ground.

Kevlars hands curled in impotent rage as he stared down at the man before him, How easy it would be, he thought, to crush the life out of him. But, it wouldn’t do any good for the man before him was a possessor, who could move his spirit from body to body.

The old man looks up and smiled at Kevlar. “Come now, surely you would want to kill yet another human, get your frustration out, your rage out on this worthless meat sack I’m in.” The man’s face contorted and twisted and an expression of horror, terror and fear set his face in a rictus mask of fear. The expression clears and the old man smiles up at Kevlar once more. “Yep, he’s still in here, looking out, but I don’t think he has much to say anymore,” He chuckles again for a brief moment, “I think all the killing and slaughter broke him. Maybe you should put this meat sack out of it’s misery. It would be a mercy for this pathetic piece of shit.”

Kevlar visibly fought to keep his composure, but his voice was thick with emotion as he tried to speak. “What do you get out of slaughtering people like this?”

“Kevlar my dear friend,” the old man stood up and shook his head sadly, ” I didn’t do any slaughtering tonight, the person with blood on his hands is you.” He held his hand out to forstall Kevlar from speaking, “but to answer your question, why do I make these poor miserable wretches die for me? Because I can. Because I think it’s amusing to watch them die, their petty dreams of 2 cars in a garage, of having a loving wife,” He stooped down to pick up a woman who would have been pretty, but her beauty was marred by the eyes sightless and opened unseeing forever, The old man looks into her shining eyes and tilts his head, then lets her drop with a dull thud. “Or husband, They are nothing Kevlar, they are cattle for us to herd and when it’s time, to cull. Your sentamental nature amuses me, so I amuse myself by making sure you suffer with these poor wretches you strive so hard to protect.”

THe old man walks out of the bloodied bodies to the other side of the street, walking away from Kevlar, “But you can’t protect them Kevlar, no more than you could protect your love.”

allen mein leib en aschen.

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March 3, 2003

Wow, this is incredible! Perhaps even your best story yet.I’m intrigued.Take care and keep writing:-)

OOH…I liked this one. Great job..*kiss your nose* ttyl cookie.~Nichole~

i love your story, but i want you to read it to me on the phone again -smiles- will you huh huh will you?