the beautiful thing about Christ

I am a scummy person. I am a foul and horrid person. I am a stain on this world. I can never be kind or good enough to make up for the shit I’ve done or said. I am cryptically saying that I have done terrible things that I’ve never written about.

The beautiful thing about Christ, God, whatever you want to say/ pray to is that if I am truly sorry and endeavor to never do things like that again . . . He will forgive me. He will hold me close and call me his child. He will see me and look on me with pity. I’ll never be good enough for humanity. I will never be good enough for other humans. But I’m already good enough for God. He already loves me. He’s already routing for me. He will forgive me even when I can’t seem to.

I will be humble.

I will be self sacrificing.

I will be low.


St. Francis prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace

where the is hatred let me sow love

where there is injury, pardon

where there is doubt, faith

where there is despair, hope

where there is darkness, light

where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master

grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console

to be understood as to understand

to be loved as to love

for it is in giving that we receive

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



kiss the frog!

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September 11, 2011

Amen! I can’t think of any right adjective to describe how great Jesus is! Just indescribable.

September 11, 2011

Saw you on the front page. Loved this entry! God’s love is amazing =)

September 12, 2011
September 16, 2011


September 16, 2011

This is beautiful. He has already forgiven you – now you must forgive yourself and it’s by forgiving others that we learn to forgive ourselves. Take care x

September 16, 2011


September 16, 2011

none of us are truely worth of grace…… this is why grace is such an important gift

September 16, 2011

Yay religion, way to promote self-loathing! Oh right, I mean…this is “beautiful.” o__O

September 16, 2011

If someone never has to question if they are a good person or not then they are either oblivious to everything/everyone around them or can’t claim to actually be living a life.

September 16, 2011

This is horrible, you poor thing. I certainly hope you can break free of your indoctrination before it consumes you completely. You’re worth something just because you’re a human being. *hugs*

September 16, 2011

This reminds me of a post I wrote a year or so ago. I have done some despicable things, and when I was at my lowest point crying, “Who can fix this mess I’ve made?” Jesus answered, “I can!” 🙂 And He did! God is so good! We no longer have to wear that stain! We were made worthy by His blood! So amazing!