sometimes i think i’m in love

When my brother Dan died, my "adopted" brother Mike was in Colorado with his real mom. He came back to NC when he got the news and started living with us again. If it weren’t for the loss of Dan everything would have been like it was. When we moved out of the house we let Mike stay there. He wanted to be in the house we all grew up in.

Mike was never really adopted, but he needed to live somewhere with a family that wouldn’t treat him like shit and hurt him. Dan and Mike were friends since they were pretty young, and one young Christmas Dan picked his new gaming system (N64 probably) and started to leave. My mom asked him where he was going with his new gift and Dan said "I’m going to give it to Mike, he only got a pair of socks for Christmas" Mike started living with us shortly after that and when his family moved to Colorado he stayed here. Eventually he went to find them.

I love Mike like a brother. I call him my brother. I tell everyone that he is my brother. But sometimes, when we are entering our fifth hour of conversation, or we are philosophizing about Cake, or just groovin on a new sound . . . I can’t help but feel a little less sistery . . . Sometimes I think I could love Mike as a lover, but it never ever stays.

He is probably the best mind I’ve ever known.

Mark is a close second. They are both genius.



kiss the frog!

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August 23, 2011
