Naked naked

Do you know why they keep it cold in strip clubs? For girls like me. The cold keeps their nipples hard. Which is good, because I have those little pink ones that are only hard when im cold or turned on. Oh sure I could get them pierced and then they would be hard all the time. But I really think I’m lucky. Tiny pink nipples, little pale areolas. Why would I wanna risk fucking that up? I wouldn’t. 

I’m 147 today. I look great. I took some nudey pics with my phone. When I grow up I wanna be just like anthony weiner. I wish he hadn’t resigned. It’s not a fucking scandal. who HASN’T had cyber sex??  Even my beloved mark has engaged in a little sexting. 

I’ve corrupted Mark I think. Before me he had only ever kissed 2 girls. Now he’s even fucked on camera while people on chatroulette watched. Maybe not corrupted. Maybe inspired. The thought of him using the skills he’s gained with me on another girl is a big turn on. If he could just be a little more violent, sex would be amazing.  

He doesn’t want to though. He loves me, and wants to be sweet to me. I like it when he is sweet. It’s still kind of new. We’ve been together almost 2 years and the niceness is still new. how about that? haha. 

Here is a song that I’ really into right now.

OD wont let me type in Korean. What kind of shit is that? honestly? 

oh nul ul ki nyom mal man han bopo heh jwo . . . . Today give me a kiss I’ll remember forever. 

kiss the frog!

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June 17, 2011

you look good 🙂 wild about chatroullette. go mark! go you! woo!

I’ve done stuff on chatroulette before but never so that they could see my face. Maybe someday.