i hop

I have a coupon for Ihop. I think I’m going to take mark out to lunch. We had sex yesterday. but my wide vagina is too fucking big and wide for him to keep a boner so we didnt finish.

I hate my vagina sometimes.

It’s not wide. . . it’s tight around a single finger. when we first start fucking its really great for both of us. but I get so damn wet that its too lubbed up to have any fun or feel much.

I told a pal I might write an entry about him. Maybe that would get too intimate. Make him feel too attached to me.

I’d like to think that when I die no one will cry. Everyone should get drunk though.

I think that I am dead to death. I cry in movies when there is a happy ending and I cry when I think that I am an  awful person. But when someone dies there is nothing.

I cry when I miss Grandmother. But I never cried a single tear at her funeral. I took care of everything. I picked the songs, I wrote a Eulogy, I shook every guest’s hand with a smile. I never cry over death.

I cry because I think im fat. But tell me someone is gone and you’ll get nothing.

Sometimes I think it’s because death is so close to me.

Since 2000 Someone I know has died every year, sometimes two people in the same year. In 2002 it was three people. Some years I’ve also lost pets. . . but at least one human that I know has gone every year.  I bet I’ll live to be 90.


kiss the frog!

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June 11, 2011

I get really wet, too, but that’s always enhanced sex. The only time it hasn’t and has led to slipping out was when the guy’s man hood wasn’t that great in size… I’m not insinuating anything, but I don’t think your vagina’s the problem. :/ People are different about death, I haven’t had anyone die so I don’t know how I’d react, but I’d like to think that I’d be more focused on celebrating their life and hope they’d do the same for me. 🙂

June 11, 2011

hmmm i wouldn’t get too attached, i’d just think it were weird :p curious what you’d say though

June 12, 2011

R: Haha “gifted for his race”. 😀 I think it probably is the problem… I’ve had about an average sized guy and we had the same problem you’re having. Mhm, I don’t know… my grandad died a few years ago, but I’ve never met him, so it didn’t really effect me. :/