How Dare you!

Today I am at 148. It’s official! 10 pounds! 2 weeks! woo hoo! 

So- I’m losing weight. Its going well. I feel good. And now strangers are angry with me. Since when did the world become prejudiced against people losing weight?  No one has a problem with it if you are grotesque. If you have more than 80 pounds to lose everyone supports you.

But lets say you are like me. You are 20 pounds over weight. Your body is in that weird lumpy stage where you aren’t fat but you’re not trim either and none of your clothes look good because of it.  If the words "I’m trying to lose weight" slip from your lips you are a heretic!

I had the following conversation with my classmates yesterday:

Fat girl: Why do you where yoga pants to class everyday?

Me: I have yoga just before this class.

Fat girl: what about running shoes? Do you wear them for yoga? 

Me: they are actually walking shoes, not that there is a big difference, but I wear them because I walk home after this class.

Tall guy: Where do you live?

Me: p-cove down 10th st.

Skinny girl: Um, you know there is a frikkin free bus service right? That’s a really long ass walk!

Me: If I walk briskly it’s only a 30 minute walk and I’m trying to lose weight so it factors in as good excercise.

Fat girl: What? Why are you trying to lose weight? There is nothing to lose!

Me: well actually, I’m not happy with the way that I look and so I’m trying to change that. Not to mention I was thinner when I met my boyfriend of almost 2 years now and I’m sure he would appreciate it if I at least got back down to that size.

Skinny girl: It sounds like you have a shity relationship.

Fat girl: Yeah, if my husband ever told me to lose weight I would punch him in a very bad place

Me: what his gooch? I said I WANT to lose this weight. Pleasing him is just an added bonus. He never asked me to lose weight.

Fat girl: I would dump him if I were you.

Me: but losing weight was my decision.

Skinny: why would you do that? I don’t understand. you’re not fat.

Me: but I’m bigger than I want to be.

Fat: ugh I think your perspective is fucked up.

Me: what? No, this is a healthy attitude!!!

Fat: whatever. Stop talking.

At which point I sat grumpy until class started. I was really mad that people I didnt even know were pissed at me for making a healthy life choice.

I wanna ask if anyone else has gone through that. I can’t be the only one.

le sigh


kiss the frog!

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May 19, 2011


May 19, 2011


May 19, 2011

I get a similar reaction for saying I’ve been going jogging or swimming to get healthy. I am, admittedly, definitely skinny enough, and if I do exercise it’s mostly for fitness or to stay slim. But maaan, people look at you like you must have a problem! Yes I can relate. If you’re losing weight sensibly, don’t worry what other people think x