
I am going to try to write entries in korean. for practice.

I don’t think that korean characters show up in OD tho. so I might write it phonetically.


Arirang joha. norehga che il joha.

When I listen to Arirang. . . it is so beautiful. It makes my eyes fill with tears. But what attachment do I have to it? Have I suffered knowing that my family is trapped in a prison country just North of the 38th parallel? No. I’m Irish. I was born in the united states. A country that I am proud of, but not the country of Arirang.


The song is beautiful. Classically done. I can sing the whole thing.  I wish I knew why I felt so strongly for it.


Link-     this is sung by a professional

Link-   This is sung by some 80 year old Korean people. This one is better. This one is beautiful, and heartfelt and sweet.


I miss Dorothy. . . she would have liked it a lot.


kiss the frog!

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March 25, 2011

your note made me cry. thank you.