planning your future

I had a dream in which I was getting married. It’s the first dream I’ve had about marriage that was happy. In it I was getting married to Mark, and I was giddy. I cried tears of unbelievable happiness several times. Then, during the ceremony I lost my temper because the wedding guests were being rude. I screamed at them and they all left. Then wedding was canceled and I woke up.

I woke up sad.

Mark complimented me last night, he said something I don’t think that I really deserve. He said "It bothers me that people don’t realize how smart you are" I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Well you know a lot of trivia, and I think that people can’t see past that, people just think oh she knows random facts good for her, but they don’t realize that you have a really advanced cognitive ability. You think about things that people normally don’t and you understand a lot more than most." 

I disagreed with him so I changed the subject and asked him if he wanted to eat my oatmeal in the event that I didnt like it.

I think I could be happy married to mark. I don’t think he could be happy with me. It’s a fear I have.

I’m registering for classes soon.  Planning fall semester. Planning my future . . .

kiss the frog!

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No thanks! Kissing frogs gives you warts. :/

March 22, 2011

mark is a smart man :p oh relax :p