
I did this survey thingy when I was 14 back when i first started this diary. Now five years later I’m gonna do it again.

Layer 1

Name: meG

Birth date: May 18

Birthplace: here

Current Location: Dining room

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: blonde

Height: 5’7

Righty or Lefty: righty

Zodiac Sign: Taurus


Your heritage: irish

The shoes you wore today: none

Your weakness: I can’t say no to well

Your fears: bridges

Your perfect pizza: peperoni

Goal you’d like to achieve: doing something worth remembering


Your most overused phrase on AIM:  I don’t use AIM

Your thoughts first waking up: FUCK

Your bedtime: i don’t have one 🙂

Your most missed memory: walking around at night with my friends

Last thing you do before you go to sleep: lay down most of the time


Pepsi or Coke: coke

McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonalds

Single or group dates: single

Adidas or Nike: neither

Ice Tea or Nestea: Ice Tea

Chocolate or vanilla: chocol

Cappuccino or coffee: coffee


Smoke: no

Cuss: ya sometimes

Sing: no, the death toll got way too high

Have a crush: ya, a few

Do you think you’ve been in love: yes

Want to go to college: I’m there

Like(d) high school: I did!

Want to get married: eventually

Believe in yourself: more and more

Get motion sickness: no

Think you’re attractive: no.

Think you’re a health freak: no

Get along with your parent(s): half way kinna sorta

Like thunderstorms: yes

Play an instrument: ya


In the past month…

Drank alcohol: yeah, a lot. and then started counting spaghetti and trying to sell my car

Smoked: second hand

Done a drug: no

Had Sex: yesterday

Made Out: today

Gone on a date: nope

Gone to the mall: yes

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i forgot oreos exsisted till just now

Eaten sushi: no

Been on stage: yep

Been dumped: nope

Gone skating: no

Made homemade cookies: ya , same day i got drunk ahaha

Gone skinny dipping: no

Dyed your hair: no

Stolen anything: no



Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes

If so, was it mixed company: yes

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: YES

Been caught "doing something": YEEEEES

Been called a tease: last night

Gotten beaten up: no

Shoplifted: yes

Changed who you were to fit in: nope


Age you hope to be married: 35

Numbers and Names of Children: 2- Giusseppe and eleanor

Describe your Dream Wedding: traditional catholic wedding

How do you want to die: murdered in a flower shop

Where you want to go to college: East Carolina

What do you want to be when you grow up: be a genius

What country would you most like to visit: Ireland


In a boy…

Best eye color? blue

Best hair color? brown or blonde

Short or long hair: short

Height: tall

Best weight: heavier than me

Best articles of clothing: lack of pants

Best first date location: a nice long walk in a familiar place


# of drugs taken illegally: 0

# of people I could trust with my life: 2

# of CDs that I own: many

# of piercings: 4

# of tattoos: 2

# of scars on my body: 6 or 7


very cool to look back and see how much I’ve changed


kiss the frog!

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May 21, 2009


May 25, 2009

what were you on stage for?