1814 barrage
1.) A lady on the teevee said that Miley Cyrus being hypersexual was worse than Wall Street greed. That kind of thinking dooms us.
2.) I mean, you all realize that dubstep was just a 28.8 modem’s connection squawk slowed way the hell down, right?
3.) You can’t spell “participants” without party pants I see.
4.) You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have, the Hegelian dialectic, the Hegelian dialectic.
5.) the man who shot atomic valence, he shot atomic valence, he was some kind of strange ion
6.) What if all these alternate currencies are actually NSA projects and they’re using your processing power to spy with?
7.) Remember, if you see something, rationalize away something.
8.) Modern tongue twister: old Kris Kringle put his grundel on grindr with his Kindle.
9.) Hipstercoin is embossed with the motto “in fund we trust”.