Is it too good to be true?
Have you ever been in a situation, where everything feels so damn right that you start fearing there is something hidden that will soon ruin the happy moment?
I only know that this is somewhat valid.
I don’t know where is the fine line between being paranoid and protecting yourself from disappointment.
I have noticed that the repetitive pattern of recurring troubles has made me too nervous, to the point where daily life sometimes is expectation of the next hard one.
But I am not a good example at all.
How do you personally feel in such situations? Do you believe that the shifting nature of life should always be greeted with a clever dose of suspicion?
But if one does so, how not to make it grow into pessimism?
Indeed, people that do not seek deeper emotions, have it easier because they do not get impressed that much to expect a sudden sharp decrease?
I wish I could elaborate more, but it is simply that so many factors are invisible that I do not feel adequate enough to comment further.
Such feelings usually are from the gut… instinct can b an amazing thing if we know how to follow it
@crystalshiddenpain I know what you are talking about! Small signs often reveal the big picture but we close our eyes because we prefer to believe in the dream. However, sometimes past experience of bad omens could make me paranoid instead of careful!
@aaronbraveheart yes. It’s very hard to distinguish sometimes. What do u think u will decide?
@crystalshiddenpain Hmm.. I’d probably give it a few more chances. If the gut feelings gets triggered in new situations, then I’d probably be extra careful and be prepared for cardinal decisions…
@aaronbraveheart sounds fair!
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