This is why I dont socialize
I tried to make friends, but they push me away because I’m not perfect, because I don’t follow trends, because I’m not their stereotype, because I don’t have the same music taste as they do, because I only like underrated artists, because I like underrated tastes, because I’m not the type to follow things I don’t even like and they feed me their bullshit.
I tried to be friendly, I tried to make jokes, I tried to be fun, but everyone just don’t really want me to be a part of them. They even criticize me for the smallest things other than having to be polite about their criticism, and just judge me the most toxic way possible.
I know sometimes I can be a hypocrite, but everyone’s a hypocrite. Not everyone are perfect.
The leader of the group friend judges me, and everyone laughs. But when I kill his ego by criticizing their imperfections that mirrors mine, they break down and the entire group friend tries to bring me down and see me as a villain. It’s not fair.
I hear you. I have this toxic friend I’ll call G, nice to her little clique but when it comes to me, nope… Cold hearted little bitch.
@sambucathedestroyer hey, I want to talk to you, message me if you want to 😀
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