Tuesday 9/13/22

6:06am I had a good night for à change. I got to bed early, around 10:30. Nurse gave me Extra Strength Tylenol with my nighttime meds. I didn’t experience any pain and slept through the night. But I did have a few weird dreamss. 

I had this one dream where I was in the Marine Corps. I was being sent to Vietnam. There was a this one sergeant who was showing me a rifle . I said it was an M16. He said it was something else and this was what  we use over hear.

Then it got kind of strange. I was back in the states. I was standing in front of a statuge of  Marine holding a rifle. Also, there was some kind of war protest going on . The protesters were throwing eggs at the statue. Then it came to life and charged at the protesters. Then the dispersed and ran away.?

I had another dream. I was in this gang. We were plotting to kill this rich, mean eccentric millionaire. But our plans kept getting screwed up. We were about to kill the girlfriend of a gang member who betrawed us. Then the aide came to get me out of bed.

By 5:10 I was in my wheelchair. I felt ok except my shoulders ached. I was tired and hurting but that was par. I could of fallen asleep in my wheelchair but the aides were fussing with my roommate. They were trying to get him awake . He was giving them a hard time. The noise kept me awake.

I called Chocolatechip. She just got up. We talk for awhile. It was hard to understand her. I don’t think neither one of us were ready for a snappy conversation. We didn’t have coffee yet. So we agreed to talk later.

12:59pm Breakfast perked me up. I had the usual, two slices of toast, scrambled eggs, hot oatmeal cereal, two cups of coffee and a glass of orange juice. At least it perked me up for awhile then I fell asleep in my wheelchair.

I dozed on and off for about an hour. I called Chocolatechip. She is not doing very well this morning. For one thing Chocolatechip is worried that thiscone agency might drop her as a client. Then she e is worried about getting on this waver program. We talk for awhile about these issues? Then I had to go to physical therapy.

I’m proud of myself because I have did all my exercises. Yesterday I could hardly movepmy left leg. But I kept up the usuals I I followed the routine of daily leg exercises. Then I did the five push ups? Today I had to stand up twice for ten minutes. PT lasted about 40vminutes. Then Darla pushed me back to my room?

Tuesday morning was lackadaisical. I dozed on a. Off in my chair until lunch. I also snagged to talk with Chocolatechip. She was still worrying about different things. She said someone in the building is taking her to the food distribution center Thursday. I said good? She said she will pay him ten dollars.

I had a pretty good lunch of fish,blended vegoetables, scalloped , a dinner roll and coffee. I was upset though. At first I got two cups of eold coffees I asked for a third cup that was hot. Other than that lunch was pretty good. 

4:10pm This wasn’t all that great a day. For some reason I was so depressed. Then I slept  through most of it. I slept through most of. Depression got hold of me and caused me to be so tire?no don’t know what brought ght to his on .

Well at least I am above the dirt. Remember:

  1. I live in a clean, safe environment.
  2. I have an SSI and Social Security check
  3. I have insurance that pays for cablemost things of the cost to the nursing home.
  4.  Insurance pays for my meds
  5. I have three meals a day.
  6. I have phone, cable and internet connection
  7. I have plenty of books to read.
  8. I get good care I need
  9. Most I portant I have a wonderful girlfriend.
  10. My mind still function

6:02pm  I think of all the good things I have going for me and that makes me feel a bit better. I look around here in this nursing home and see people in worse shape. For example, I saw a man at the nurse’s station with one leg. Also, it looks like over half the people in here are not aware of their surroundings.  At least I’m not t at that point yet.

Also, I am above the dirt. I know of people in my High School class of 1970 who did not make it this far. I know of at least five people in my class who passed. I’m still alive aod kicking. That counts for everything.

I had a good supper. I had two grilled cheese sandwiches with Swiss cheese, tater tots and cookies for desert. The two cups of coffee were nice and hot this time. I sure as heck can’t complain about the food here. 

I talked with Chocolatechip after supper. She was going to bed because of a doctor’s appointment.  She said she was feeling somewhat better. This made me feel a bit better. We talked for over a half hour then said our goodbyes for the night.

9:38pm I did a lot of reading tonight. I finished reading Chapter 17 “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” in the last two half of this chapter the author talked about Lee’s invasion of Maryland in 1862 and the battle of Antietam. Antietam was considered to be a strategic Victor for the Union and a major shift to total war. After this victory lol incoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. 

I also read Chapter 18 “John Bull’s Virginia Real.”‘ this was about the Confederacy’s effort to get England’s recognition and end the war. In 1862 at no time during the war was the South ‘ hopes closer to realization.  But Antietam and the Emancipation Proclamation dashed those hopes

.I was also browsing for books helped. I ended up buying a book for $1.99 .It is The Reckoning: Our Nation’s Trauma and Finding a Way to Heal. i found at least two books I might like to buy next month. The list will probably grow by the end of September.

So I feel better. Im getting tired. I told the male aide I would like to stay up until 11. But I’m too tired right now. I’m winding down for the day goodnight













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September 14, 2022

I like your list of positive things in your life.  You are so right, things could be much worse.  You could be stuck in bed all the time or not have your clear mind.