Life, school, work promotion, such it is..

Well, things have been a bit hectic here. The semester is winding up to a close(we are done Dec 16th) so a big research paper for English Composition came my way. All my other papers I sat down and wrote in a night or two, with barely any effort, and came out with an A. Research papers just are not my thing. For one, it took me almost two days to pick my topic. And another 3 days to write it. All in all, I’ve probably stuck a good 10 hours into this paper. It had to be 7 pages long, plus a title page & works cited. I’ve got my rough draft turned in, which is due tomorrow, and then I’ll work on revising it and citing all my sources correctly. Whew. Both of my other classes are plugging along smoothly, but I’m ready to be done with homework for a few weeks. Once the semester is over, we don’t start up again until January 18th. Taking 9 credits worked okay for me this semester so I’m going to attempt 9 again if I can make my schedule work. I want to take one online class, and two on site. One on-site class I don’t have a choice about, but the other I could potentially take online, too. But it’s a math class.. and I’m no good with math at all- I need somebody in front of me explaining things. But so far, so good..straight As!

On top of all this, I started looking for another job. I got upset with my current job and went online to apply for a bunch of different positions. I got a hit on one, and they set up an interview for this coming Wednesday. The next day, my boss calls me and leaves me a voicemail saying she wants to discuss something. I call her back with my suspicions…which turned out to be correct. They wanted me to be a 2nd shift med-lead. Basically, instead of being on the floor taking care of people you are passing medications, doing all the paperwork, helping the caregivers, and managing the shift(employees, too). So in a way, it’s a manager position. The girl they hired for the position has been having trouble coming to work as a caregiver, so they weren’t going to let her be a medlead, but keep her on the floor instead. I outrightly told my boss that I am very non-confrontational, and while I wasn’t worried about passing meds(been there, done that), I WAS worried about managing staff. She agreed that I would need to work on that, but said they would support me in that and help me out. So I accepted. I started training Mon/Tues and I’m on my own by Thursday & the weekend. I’m very nervous about it, and I’m praying it’s the right choice for me. It will be nice to not being so much of the physical aspect of things, as my back injury acts up every once and awhile. Every night I go home sore.

The kids are doing well. Maddy is 18 months in 2 days, and Gabe will be FOUR in only 8 days. I can’t believe that, they’ve grown so fast. Maddy is a bundle of energy, taking off in a million directions. She is talking so much, and is learning to put sentences together and tell you what she wants. She’s really communicating with us and seems to be very smart. I think a lot of it she learns from her brother. Gabe is doing well in preschool and absolutely loves it. He loves his teacher, his friends, and he’s learning so much. Putting him into this preschool was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. We’re not having his party until the first weekend of December, but I know he will be excited. We purchased a Leappad for his birthday and I hope he likes it.

Maddy and Gabe get along pretty well, but they are starting to fight more and more. I’m an only child, so it’s true that I’ve been a bit lost to this whole new subject of sibling rivalry. One minute it seems they hate eachother. The next? Maddy falls and Gabe is comforting her and hugging her. And then they fight. And then they snuggle up on the couch together with their blankeys and watch a movie. I affectionally call them my little blonde duo. Where they got their white blonde hair and striking blue eyes, I will never know. They never cease to amaze me. <3

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November 29, 2011

ryn: We’ll see how he does Thursday and then see about getting the pen after that. I want to check Petco too to see their prices. 🙂