Well.. the summer is dwindling quickly and school is fast approaching for me AND my baby boy. He went to the daycare preschool last year and this year he is going to the Lutheran pre-school 3 y/o class at church. I’m praying hard that he does well and makes new friends. I know he is a little sad about leaving all his old ones behind. He’s very sociable(and even a bit obnoxious at times, like his father) so I’m hoping for the best. He also requested that I put him back in swimming lessons. I was surprised because he never comes out and tells me he wants to do something like that, "Remember that place we used to go swim, Mommy? I wanna go there again, like Grandma Joyce." He hasn’t been to swimming there in over a year. I have a feeling that he will be on a swim team as he gets older, he loves it. It’s a bit scary for this momma, because he has absolutely no fear!

Yesterday we went to the dentist. He’s been to two other dentists before but it didn’t work out, the most recent one having been so rough he SCREAMED the entire way through and we intervened and told them that was enough. I found a new dentist and they are AMAZING. I explained his past experience and they took extra care. Gabe didn’t cry at all and opened his mouth right away. He got a new shiney smile, fluoride treatment, and xrays on his bad front tooth. Doc says it looks like a double tooth that meant to split, but didn’t completely get there. She recommends we keep an eye on it and pull if it gets bad. She said we could root canal and restore it, but it’s no guarantee…and it’s a baby tooth. One he’ll lose in the next 2 years. I was so proud of him and so happy that we’ve finally found a dental home. She asked Gabe if he had any siblings and he told her about Maddy. So they both have an appointment in 6 months because they recommend the first appointment be around 18 months. I hope they both do well.

As I mentioned before, school is coming up for me too. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time but I’m trying to have confidence in myself. Instead of part-time 6 credits/2 classes.. I decided to take 3. Two of them will be online and the third will be on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Pre-Algebra, English Comp, & Intro to Sociology.

I’m a tad worried I’m taking on a bit much.. at this point, the only rest day the kids & I will have is Fridays.

Week one;

Monday-Work 3-11p
Tuesday- Gabe Preschool 8:05a-11:00a, me school 12:15P-1:55P
Wednesday- Work 3-11p/ Mom takes Gabe to swimming at 5:30p
Thursday- Gabe Preschool 8:05a-11:00a, me school 12:15P-1:55P
Friday- REST
Saturday- Miss Madelyn swim class 10:30a
Sunday- Church 8:00a-9:00a, Weight Watchers 10:30a.

Week two;

Monday-Work 3-11p
Tuesday- Gabe Preschool 8:05a-11:00a, me school 12:15P-1:55P
Wednesday- Gabe to swimming at 5:30p
Thursday- Gabe Preschool 8:05a-11:00a, me school 12:15P-1:55P
Friday- REST
Saturday- Miss Madelyn swim class 10:30a, Work 3-11p
Sunday- Church 8:00a-9:00a, Weight Watchers 10:30a, Work 3-11p


It may not sound like a lot…but staying on top of doctor/dental appointments, working on my online classes, homework, housework, and finding time to have fun with my little ones is not going to be easy. I’m definitely trying to enjoy, and be thankful, for the last few weeks of summer.

Also in other news, my sweet baby girl will be getting baptized Saturday September 10th. I know it seems late, but we just never made the plans to do it before this. I went out and purchased her christening gown and it is GORGEOUS. When Mom and I tried it on her at the store I felt my eyes well up. We are going to have a small celebration at our house after wards.

My dad informed me today that he will probably not be there, due to being on vacation. Whatever. I’m so done with my parents. God forbid you come home 1 day early to see your granddaughter be baptized. "Will you be upset if I don’t come?" WTF do you think? Sigh.. I dropped him off after breakfast, drove home and parked in the driveway, and balled my eyes out. I’m so tired of feeling abandoned by my parents. I know I’m 23 years old..but it sure would feel nice to feel like a priority and not an accessory. Of course, he wanted to talk a ton about my mother as well. I’M TIRED OF BEING IN THE MIDDLE!!! Stick a fork in me, folks, cause I’m DONE. After my good cry, I tried to shake it off.. I don’t want to let it ruin Maddy’s day. I just wish they’d grow up…

Well, it’s off to bed for me.. Goodnight all. <3




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