A step in the right direction

I got my letter from the college today. I have been accepted into the Nursing Program and am ready to start my under-grad studies this fall. Everything else is pretty much set up. I have an appointment with my counselor on the 11th, and my financial aid should come through within the next 5-7 days. So far, I’m only registered for one class on a Monday morning from 7a-10a. I figured it would be the least destructive on my kids’ schedule… they don’t get up till 7:30 so by the time they are up and have breakfast, I’ll be returning home. I still have 3 more credits to sign up for for the minimum 6 to receive financial aid. Since I started this process so late, a lot of classes are full. You can be for my spring semester I will be online at midnight when the classes come up, hoping to get some online classes.

A step in the right direction.

I’m really hoping I can do this. I know being away from my kids is going to incredibly hard. I know doing homework late at night instead of relaxing in a peaceful home is going to be a challenge. But it’s all a step for a better future for me and my kids.

Mom said her place is going to be hiring in the QC department, second shift 2-10p. It’s right across the street from me. The only downfall is it would be full time..every day of the week. The upside is no weekends. Right now I’m working 1-2 days/wk and every other weekend. The extra money, almost triple what I’m making now, would be nice. But do I dare take a bite into a full time job while adding school? Decisions. I told her to go ahead and get me an application..no harm in applying & getting all the details.

The kids have been so crabby the last two days because we are cooped up more than usual with the hot weather. My kids LIVE for the outdoors. About an hour after they get up, they are begging to go outside(Gabe) or crying at the glass door(Maddy). It makes it so hard to get any of my household chores done because they want to be outside ALL. DAY. LONG. I keep reminded myself that summer is flying by so fast and to enjoy it with them, especially with school for me & Gabe coming up. So what if the laundry gets a little backed up or my house is a little messy.. it just reiterates a sign in my house "Please excuse the noise and mess, the kids are making happy memories." In 10 years, it won’t matter if the house was a bit messy..my kids will have, hopefully, good memories of the warm summers. The last two days Maddy has been so fussy.. I thought maybe she was cutting teeth. Today I asked her if she wanted to go outside, and she instantly perked up and scooted over to the door and the outside. She happily played for a few hours without a peep. JP loves to be outside…it appears his kids will be just like him.

Speaking of Gabe & school, he will be attending a pre-school program at our church this year. It’s 2 days/wk. Last year he went to the daycare I used to work for.. I wasn’t completely happy with the order of things. He did learn a lot, but I know they slacked off a lot. So his new preschool will be HALF the price and I’m more confident that he’ll be in an undisturbed, healthy, Christian environment. The teachers at the daycare bring a lot of their personal life within and I am not happy about that. The daily preschool devotional won’t hurt him, either. I’m excited about it and really need to get his paperwork filled out. I paid the deposit to hold his spot MONTHS ago, but I really need to get on the paperwork. Tomorrow, maybe.

Tomorrow my cousin is getting married. JP took off work and we are going to the wedding. I haven’t been to a wedding since I was a little girl.

Well, goodnight folks.

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