the heart is mysterious.

So I’m back again. Maddy is napping and Gabe is playing on the floor so I think I have a few minutes. This week has been so horrible, well the past few weeks. I ended up having two teeth that got infected and needed to removed. I finally had that done, only to be left with a horribly swollen & painful throat. I seriously can’t swallow without it feeling like I’m swallowing shards of glass. I went to the doctor today and I have a bad case of tonsillitis & I’m anemic. -sigh- She said it is probably because Maddy is taking a lot from me on top of being sick.

As for my sweet little girl, we are only a little over a month from her first birthday. How the time flies, it makes me tear up just thinking about it. She’s still nursing and she’s such a good eater…the girl will try anything. She’s in a big girl bed now since we couldn’t get her in her own bed and Daddy wanted to come back to our bed. Just recently, she’s started sleeping 8/9pm to 5am and then I go in and nurse her and snuggle with her while she sleeps for another couple of hours. 🙂 She’s such a sweet, precious girl. We will also be having her baptised pretty soon here, maybe on her birthday…better late than never.

Gabe is good, and he’s such a good big brother. He absolutely adores his baby sister and it’s so cute to watch them play together and talk in her little baby language. He’s still going to preschool three days a week until the summer. After the summer, he’ll be attending the Christian preschool at our church two days a week. I like his preschool now, but I know they slack off a lot and while he has learned some, there’s a bigger gap for a ton more there. He loves to sing his ABCs, knows colors, shapes, some letters & numbers.

JP and I are doing well.:) We’ve had a bit of a rough patch lately because we never seem to see one another, or have time alone. It’s amazing how much our love has truly grown once we put the effort in. I believe we were meant to be together, despite all the trouble we’ve had in the past. We’re doing wonderfully now and raising our two beautiful babies together.

As for..the other absense of the heart. It has changed a lot, to the point where it isn’t much of an absence anymore. He came back into my life briefly a few months ago and it just didn’t feel right. Whatever we had is in the past, and I honestly don’t believe it still exists. He’s changed, I’ve changed…it’s like we’ve grown out of one another. I don’t miss him much anymore, or even think about him very often. I think God purposely brought him back to bring closure to that, to make sure I wouldn’t spend the rest of my life thinking about what could’ve been. I feel good about that, and I’m happy with my life decisions.



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April 14, 2011

Wow, it doesn’t seem like she should be one so soon! Glad things are going so well for you! >^..^<

April 16, 2011

I’m glad everything seems to be going well though sorry you’re sick. I hope you feel better soon! XOX