37 weeks.

Well, I thought I should probably come update everyone and let you all know I’m still pregnant. lol.

The pregnancy is trucking along..some days are worse than others with being uncomfortable and such. At my appointment last week, I was already 2cm dialated which the Dr says is normal for a second pregnancy. I have my 37 week appointment tomorrow..yes, going every week now. How lovely. haha.

Found out from work that I’m eligible for FMLA which will protect my position for 12 weeks. In addition to this, I’m also eligible for short term disability which will pay me for 5-7 weeks depending on the type of delivery and such. I also have 5 weeks of paid time off in my bank, so if I really wanted to I could take 10 weeks off completely paid. We have also saved up money from the tax return for my maternity leave because I had assumed it would be unpaid.. we are truly blessed. I just need to decide how many weeks I want to take off and how many weeks I want to be paid for. It would be nice to take 5 weeks STD, 3 weeks PTO and then just leave that money in the savings alone. I’m sure we’ll have unexpected expenses with two little ones.

I hope she stays in until I’ve decided how many weeks and have the paperwork filled out.

In 15 days I will turn 22 years old, and in 21 days I will officially(hopefully) be a mom to a two and half year old and a newborn. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it folks. 🙂

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May 11, 2010

Praying for you!