27 weeks & chaos!!!

Wow, it’s been almost 3 weeks since I’ve written. It’s been busy around here, with work, getting even more pregnant, family drama, and getting ready for the baby.

The pregnancy is going about the same. I had my 25 week appointment and everything was normal. Gained a bit of weight, unfortunately..so I’ve had to cut back on my snacking a bit. But hey, I was as hungry as a hippo for like 2 weeks straight. She scheduled another ultrasound because of little Miss not cooperating the first time around, so that’ll be this Friday the 26th. I’m hoping baby cooperates and they are able to get the pictures of her heart and check to make sure she is STILL a girl. lol. I’m a bit excited, as I’ve never had an u/s this far along in pregnancy. Two weeks from the u/s date, I have my 29 week appointment. After that, we start going every two weeks. It seems like this pregnancy has really flown by. We’re due in May, and here we are at the end of February.

Family drama has been awful. My mom with her boyfriend troubles. I’m hoping she finally got rid of him… but not before the cops were called on two seperate occasions- once because he was stalking her, staying outside her work, etc. He also stole her very expensive camera. Instead of just trying to enjoy life and living on her own, she jumped into a relationship with another man she met online. Now after talking to him for a week or two and him planning a trip here(he lives about 2 hours away), he’s stopped all contact after she asked him flat out if he was married. She’s turning into one big episode of Cops. 

My relationship with my dad has improved some. He stopped over last week, and we went to dinner at his house this past weekend. Ellen, his girlfriend, seems pretty nice.. she made us a very yummy meal. Like my dad said, if it had been up to him we’d all have been eating at Mcdonalds. lol. Nothing wrong with that, either. We had a nice little chat, just the two of us, and he basically told me he has no more feelings for my mother. Can’t really blame him there. In a way, it makes me happy that he’s moving on and not dwelling on her- because she really isn’t worth it.

As for other news, we got rid of our two dogs. Not by choice, really. Jake, my dad’s lab, needed a new home since my dad’s job got changed. First my mom and dad decided to share custody of him.. he’d stay with my mom during the week, and my dad would take him for the weekends. It ended up not working out. She lives in an apartment and all the commotion just made him go crazy. Supposedly he barked all day, had accidents in the house, and tore a pretty big hole in the drywall by the door and ripped trim off. He’ll be three this year and is a pretty good dog. Gabe absolutely adores him, as they kinda grew up together. In the end, Jake didn’t really have anywhere to go and we couldn’t let him go to strangers. JP’s parents took in our two dogs and Jake came home to stay with us. Gabe loves him, often telling me during the day "love him, love him.." They are really inseperable, and it’s cute to see. It really made me realize how much our two pups stressed me out.. they are puppies afterall. They are completely housetrained, but still have to be kenneled. They constantly wrestle with one another, run through the house, etc. Jake, being a bit older, is out of all that puppy stage business. Basically his only downfalls are that he absolutely LOVES table food and tries to sneak up on everything. As I type this, he is laying next to me on the couch. I have been cleaning all morning, and he’ll lay outside the door waiting for me to finish. He’s stealing my heart rather fast… and I can’t believe how much lighter I feel without the pups in the house.

JP and I are still doing fine. We’ve had a bit of communication problems lately and such, but I think that’s really just because of all the stress and drama surrounding us. Hopefully once things settle down a bit and we have a bit more time for eachother we’ll reconnect.

Well, I think that’s about it for now.

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