the same.

Everything is pretty much the same here, hence why I haven’t written. Work is still kinda sucky, I haven’t been back since the team meeting on Thursday. I go back tonight. The meeting went fairly well. I had strongly pointed out my opinions on the day shift girl H to another co-worker whom I’m pretty close to. I have to say that after being there only 13 months, I’m pretty close to everyone. Anyway, she was shocked that I was so mad about it mostly because it takes a lot to piss me off, I don’t often talk about my co-workers, and I never really voice my opinions. Came to find out everyone else pretty much feels the same way I do. The team meeting was okay, H kept her mouth shut except for her one comment "I’m glad we finally have a good group working here.." Like she’s been here how many years and WE’RE the new ones. I thought Jen was going to reach across the table and throw her a punch or two. After the meeting, H had to leave to go pick up her son to get shots. (That’s a whole other bowl of worms, she constantly has to leave early) The rest of us stepped outside, Manager included, and that’s when it all went down. Everyone busted out with how they felt.. and we basically came down to the conclusion that we all have to stick together because this crap with H just makes everyone fight… and that H expects to walk in and us to accomodate her. Well, no. She should have to accomodate to us and how things are done OUR way, right? And if she has any problems with that, it should be taken up with management.. not spending 45 minutes to an hour complaining to another coworker who really doesn’t wanna hear it.

My coworkers and I are pretty close. We don’t have many scuffles, we all care about one another, and we all know eachother on a pretty personal level. If one is crying, we don’t hesitate to console and talk to them. Ask anyone of us and they’ll say that we consider each and every one family. Hopefully H finds a way to fit into this, or gets the hell out. The manager said if she continues this constant complaining behavior, she will be pulled in by the district manager and spoken to. It doesn’t help that some of these girls are going through really rough patches in their lives.

On the pregnancy front, we’re now 4 weeks 3 days. I go in tomorrow for another blood test to make sure my levels are increasing normally and make my first appointment. =) I pray the news will be good. I took another pregnancy test tonight to see if the line would be darker(meaning there’s more hormone in my body than before) and heck yea, just as dark as the control in under a minute. So they have risen at least some. I’m really just crabby and sleepy. I haven’t been very naseous yet, thankfully. However, this baby does NOT like fast food.

Other than that, the household is doing well. =)

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