Water go down the hole!
OMG! I can’t remember the last time I even thought about this. I have no idea why it even occured to me all of a sudden. Back when I was in high school, I used to love to watch Tiny Toons and especially the Baby Plucky episodes. My friend Rach and I LOVED Bably Plucky. From what I can remember there were only 3 episodes with him in it and I don’t remember the third one, the mini golf one at all, but the other two, OMG! They were sooooo cute. "Water go down the hole…ducky go down the hole…diaper go down the hole…kitty go down the hole!!" "Elelator go up. Elelator stop. Elelator go down the hole!" I feel like a little kid again. Too bad those episodes aren’t anywhere out there for me to download nor are the DVDs available. With every stupid TV show, the release DVDs, but the ones that I really want, they never do. Oh well.
There are actually a few movies out that I’m looking forward to seeing that I originally didn’t think I would want to see.
This is one of them. I read some of the books when I was younger, but I don’t think I ever read all of this one. Or I just don’t remember. I love fantasy writing and I don’t mind stories that are allegories, even Christian allegories. In fact, all stories of good vs. evil probably can be compared to stories in all the religions of the world. But this one was always a little too "in your face"…no subtlety. But still, the movie looks good and I need to add to to my "to see" list. The other one is the new new King Kong. When I first heard about Peter Jackson making the movie, I never thought it would be one I’d watch. King Kong doesn’t interest me and never has. But after seeing previews, the movie looks great and I can’t wait to see it. Then there is Syriana, which many people already haven’t liked, but I don’t care. It’s probably more of a serious movie and one I need to be in a serious mood for, so I know that it’s not one that I’ll watch any time soon. It’s also the type of movie that I’m sure no one will want to go see with me. Memoirs of a Geisha is also at the top of that list. I was hoping to read the book before I saw it, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. It’s gotten bad reviews on rottentomatoes, but I don’t care. The movie looks like one that I will love. And finally there is Brokeback Mountain. That’s not out anywhere near me yet but it’s gotten such great reviews that I definitely have to see it.
I’ll be back later to write a real entry…
ah! memories! that’s weird though, because i totally remember the golfing one but i vaguely remember the others. aw. it was adorable. haha. i saw your title and read it in the same way that he would say it. “water go down the hoooole”. atleast i think that’s how it was. anyway, random noter, take care!
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*sings* were tiny were toony, we’re all a little loony… Gods I miss that show! 😀
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ohh…i remember the mini golf one…..plucky made a big fuss about getting a blue ball….and he kept saying blue ball go down the hole….etc. It was adorable….wow…thanks for the memory of happier times….:)…it was good to read in between finals.haha… I want to see Narnia too….but i want to read the books first, i never did as a kid. I finally got to watch the newest Harry Potter –
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the other night…it was good….i never read any of those books and didn’t really get why Ron seemed to have something up his ass for something so minor…and didn’t even confront Harry about before he was mean…seemed weird, but i still enjoyed it…and now i can finally read what you wrote about it. 🙂
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i miss Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons….and those kind of original FUNNY cartoons….i never tried to find them on DVD..but it’s depressing that they’re not available….cartoon network really annoys me nowadays….they don’t show the classics anymore…and for some reason, i find the recent cartoons horrid…and unbearable to watch. —
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