Just for Today

                                                      This morning, I asked my landlord if, being that I disposed of my bed and my couch, if the exterminator could spray my apartment. He responded by telling me that the exterminator would be here this Friday, and that he would ask him to come to my apartment to assess the situation. I thanked him. 

                          Monday, Monday…..as it is….I had numerous phone calls to make. I phoned my neurologist’s office to let them know about my primary care physician’s temporarily discontinuing my Vitamin B6  due to the level being elevated. The neurologist discontinued the vitamin B6, for the time being. I then phoned the pharmacy to bring this information to the attention of the pharmacist, in order that they will not include vitamin B6 in next month’s dispil. I made an appointment for next month w/ the podiatrist, for a diabetic foot exam. I also made an appointment w/ the optometrist for next month, for a diabetic eye examination. I phoned the behavioral health agency w/ whom I receive case management services to request transportation to the food pantry in Steubenville, for this Thursday. She said she would take me. I requested assistance from the agency for my recent hardships due to having bedbugs. They will look online at inflatable livingroom furniture, and cover the cost. Allelulia! 


                     I went outside at around 3:30 pm. I spent some time w/ one of the building’s crowds. It was not all that enjoyable due to conversation and jokes that I found to be nothing more than base. I went back up to my apartment.


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July 18, 2022

I’m so glad you are getting help with furniture. I hope they follow througj

July 18, 2022

@bear70 You and me both. I hope they dont just shove it under the rug, as they say.


Yay 😁 Chocolatechip! I too, have type two diabetes.

July 18, 2022

@sambucathedestroyer Are you managing your diagnoses well?


July 19, 2022

@sambucathedestroyer Glad to here that. 🙂 It is so important.

@chipchocolate diabetes sucks but, life goes on 😎

July 19, 2022

@sambucathedestroyer I am borderline. I don’t have to take insulin injections nor oral sulfonyureas.


July 20, 2022

@sambucathedestroyer Yes, in that department,
I am truly blessed.


July 19, 2022

I really hope the exterminator will come back and spray for you.  Have you seen any since getting rid of the bed and futon?

July 19, 2022

@happyathome I have not seen anymore bedbugs, no. As you said, my apt. definitely needs to be sprayed, as a precautionary measure.