I am a fish
I could feel it was my moment to speak, but I was so still and unmoving that I almost created my own context. maybe that wasn’t the moment I was suppsoed to say something. Maybe nothing was expected of me in that moment.
Everything that he said had so much direction and understanding around where it was going and what it was doing. He was intelligent. Not flaundering. I was flaundering. And everytime I could anticpate what he was going to say, the moment his mind didn’t feel mysterious and superior, I felt the impulse to finish his sentences. Or to say what I could tell he was getting at before he could say it. And play it off as my own. And I could feel the decades of experience communicating that he had. He was younger than me, but he has lived for more years than me. Has more direction than me. More taste. More subtly. More humanityy. And I am a fish.