In my dreams
I was feeling anxious before bed last night. My friends were ignoring me as instructed I’m sure.
I had a dream. My mom was driving me to pick up my car somewhere. Half way there I panicked and asked her where Madelyn was. She told me she left her with my brother. I started to get upset but didn’t say anything. I video called my sister who was home sleeping. I told her to go get Madelyn from my brother. She hung up on me. I freaked out and yelled at my mom who appeared confused as to why I was upset. I screamed at her for leaving Madelyn alone with him and said you don’t know how he treated me as kids. I told her to turn the car around and take me to Madelyn. I video called my sister on the way and she was awake playing with Madelyn. When we got home it was Christmas and my brother gave me and my sister presents. The packages said “she” and “her”. My sister opened hers and I asked him if my gifts were the same. He said yes so I just said I’ll open them when I am home since I know what’s in them.
I woke up and Madelyn was safe next to me.
dreams can be so real…
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