אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 32

Since I was a child, and even still to this day everyone seems to think I have the answers to everything the teacher/boss is going to ask or want. Everyone always looks to me.

But right now while I am converting to be Jewish and getting up everyday and going to sleep worrying about being a wife and living and having to complete daily/monthly tasks, I have found it hard to keep up with the whole Glow Bridgetprotocol.

But in the past few weeks, I have stood out from the other students in my class. I tend to be the one that many have turned to and in class I am sometimes the only one singing the Hebrew Song or pointing out things. Well there are other students who are more boisterous than I am, I let them be as I don’t want to stand out too much, but I would be lying if I said that I didn’t get irritated when they beat me to it and are the ones speaking up in class.

Anyway since today is Morning Vintage Personal Use On it seems as if Hebrew class tonight we are learning Dry Hayrick free personal use

See the source image

This morning I printed out the pages for our class tonight and for the 1st time this year I have actually worked ahead so I am prepared for tonight. Back in school I often worked ahead, tonight I will be on top of things.

When they sang the Anthem in the Jewish Cemetery today, I proudly sang it too, as I know every word off by heart. I learnt this Anthem back when I was a teenager and used to go on Jewish Youth Camps. I find this Anthem to have more meaning and heart than any other Anthem I know. Well I only actually know the South African Anthem and I can hum some of the United Stated of America Anthem, only because it is played so often in movies.

Right now I am looking forward to getting the chance to possibly sing Hatikvah in class today. I can boast about how I know this anthem and I can make up from my little stumble on not knowing everything on Tuesday.

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🙂 I am not a very observant one, but I am Jewish too.

April 29, 2022

@sambucathedestroyer , I remember you saying so a lil while ago.

Do you practice any traditions?

@ncumisatry to remain kosher but it is hard bc the majority of my group home are Gentiles.

May 1, 2022

I am not Kosher. I don’t think just being Kosher is what makes a Jew. I think it is what you believe and read and understand and practice.

Well of ever you are in Cape Town or we meet somewhere, know you are always invited to have Shabbat or any Chaggim with me.