Monday 4/18/22
3:34pm It is feels great to be back. I’ve been in Weirton Medical Center since Friday afternoon. The vomiting kept getting worse. I had a brad bout of it Wednesday night/Thursday morning. In addition felt nauseated. Nurse at the home looked like at my vomit and said there was blood in it. This was when it was decided I should go to the hospital I felt a bit better next morning. But they still felt I needed to be admitted. So the ambulance took me to the hospital Friday afternoon.
I was in the er a few hours. They did some tests on me I was finally taken to my room on the eighth floor. I did not have a roommate which suited me fine. Staff at the hospital was very nice and changed me when needed. I had the usual iv treatment. Then I found out I was put on a liquid diet. I didn’t mind because I did not have much of the an appetite. I didn’t eat anything for five days.
I had more tests the next morning. I had this one procedure where they put camera down my stomach. Thankfully, I was under anesthesia . They found out i had ulcers and an inflamed area. This was w . as causing the commiting. They rested me for the ulcers and I began to feel better I was ready to go home Sunday morning.
I have nothing good to say about WMC. Staff was great. They didn’t give me a hard time about peeing myself Overall I got good care but I’m glad to be back in nursing home. It is no fun being in the hospital under the best of conditions
8:03 pm I’m getting used to being back. Staff here in the nursing home have been very nice and professional. Even the mean girl was nice today. I slept most of the time. Then I had chicken a regular supper of ham and pinto beans , cornbread, applesauce and chocolate ice cream. I ate the cornbread, applesauce and ice cream. They served coffee but I didn’t drink it. I’m kind of f afraid to Mut anything heavy into my stomach for fear of vomiting. I sure do as heck do not want to go through that again.
I never thought I’d miss this place. The Home has been my home for going on two years. I know people here and am used to the staff. I know what to expect. I do get good treatment for the most part . There have been times when it wasn’t so good and I’ve done plenty of bitching. As far as nursing homes go I could be in a worse place. I feel very lucky to be in a safe, clean environment. It really is good to be back.
One thing I’ve got to do is stop thinking negatively. Negative thoughts lead to worrying. I’ve worried so much over crap that it has given me ulcers. I can’t let myself go down the tubes any further. Besides, as I keep telling myself, worrying does nothing to help the situation. It is Voodoo thinking. It has got to stop because I do not want anymore trips to the hospital.
Another thing I thought about is thinking about any type of situation.. tThings could be pretty bad and I might start asking myself can things get any worse? I used to think that being in a home was one hell of a way to end up. I kept thinking ING can things get any worse? Then I ended up in the hospital with vulcers. I never really stopped to think about the positive things, three good things going on in my life. Well this gas been a wake up call.
For instance:
- I’m in a warm,safe and clean environment.
- I am getting good care for the most part.
- I have three meals a day
- I have insurance that pays for most of the costs
- I have free phone, internet and tv connection.
- I got plenty of books to read
- J have a nice Social Security check
- I have a wonderful girlfriend in Chocolatechip
- I have my mental faculties
This is something to think about when I’m feeling depressed. Life is good
I am so relieved to see you back. I’ve been so worried about you and kept checking to see if there was an update from you. I’m glad you are feeling better and back to writing.
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I like your list of positive things…you do have a lot to be thankful for. As for worrying, like you said it doesn’t change anything. No amount of worrying is going to change the outcome of a situation and you are only hurting yourself.
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