little insatiable

Nothing bothers me more than girls who go on and on about their imperfections and ride a pity wagon of why’s and woe-is-me’s.  And today, i could be one of those girls, but I won’t do that to you.  It’s not that I think I’ve got it bad, it’s just that lately I’ve got it uneasy on the inside, moreso than usual, and I’m trying to find an alternate route of expression than complaining.

And it’s not that I think that I deserve more happiness than I have.  No, that’s not it at all. And it’s not that things “just aren’t good enough” for me. It’s not that I’m overwhelmed more than usual, more sleep-deprived that usual; I’m just tired in a different way.  Today I felt like wallpaper, and that’s no one’s fault but my own because I am just stuck in my own little world. So if you think I’ve been acting different lately, it’s because I have been.  I’ll pull out of this, I always do.  Just forgive me for not caring… today.


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May 10, 2004

I know what your problem is, you need me! =) haha love you dear!

ya know what.. your note to me definatley made my day better 🙂 thanks.

May 10, 2004

if you were wall paper, i’d cover all my walls with it and put huge mirrors in the middle of the room to reflect the beauty a thousand times.

May 11, 2004

I like the new colors. You haven’t been different towards me, which makes me so happy. You always care about things with me, more so than most people. For that I am so greatful. /-/-/I love you./-/-/

May 12, 2004

Today I felt like wallpaper It always gives me comfortto know that other peoplego through this aswell.So I hope this little phrasegoes a long way… I know (heart)

May 13, 2004

you’re one of the most wonderful people i know, and the extensive beauty you carry on the inside definitly beams out as well, so jesssssah (lol) remember that k?, ohh yea and also remember the hand thing cause its just funny lol

i remember yew (leaveMeHere.)

WELL i dont know if i wanna wallpaper my room with you cuz…well…thats kinda..really.. scary =P but short and to the point, ur hott stuff, and your prolly the coolest person i know so dont be sad for what u dont have, be happy for all the awesome things u do smile, its fun =)