bigger than the sound

this is the recap- like remix only not.

I was, like, three arms lengths away from Karen O and she simulated masturbation with the microphone.

we got to Jane’s house at six and drank tall cans and did lines of blow until seven.

we got a good parking spot, the show was sold out and bystanders held signs up around the venue "NEED TICKETS PLEASE". I feel bad but think, "suckers".

Inside everyone seems really fucking excited. They haven’t been here in five years, I hear. I buy a twenty dollar t-shirt and the girlfriend tells me I should have gotten the white one. we all buy beers and make our way to the rail, a good spot, I was surprised at how easy it was. jane and pablo wonder, the girlfriend and I have a good conversation through the opening guy, who sucks, acoustic folky bullshit, he had a big fan base but the lyrics were shitty, stupid A/B rhyme schemes, but his hair was rad.

the second band was better, kind of new wave garage punk with a chick lead singer in a horribly short green dress. we dance even though no else is. pablo leans down and snorts coke off a safeway club card. after their set is over the crowd somewhat clears, calm before the storm, something like that.

we meet up with the chick we met at the last show. she wears a gossip t-shirt and hits on Jane.

I could tell the prissy chicks on either side of me are going to suck. they’re going to barely clap and barely dance and get pissed when we push cause the whole crowd is pushing us.

when they finally come out I forget how much I have to pee. I go crazy when they play ‘rich’. karen o is wearing a spandex jump suit with a cape. nick zinner is so fucking hot I want to cry. the crowd finally perks up, starts moving, screaming, pushing.

they play mostly their new album which kind of sucks. they play ‘miles away’ and the chick on my left seems pretty pissed about all the pushing. she barely moves nor does she clap or cheer. by the encore, which was by far the best encore I’ve ever seen a band put on, the chick on my left has decided she’s had enough and starts pushing us back with all her might. so, naturally, I push back with all of mine, I don’t move my hands from the rail and it’s really fucking fun. she has a scowl on her face, all pissy. I strongly believe people like this should stay in the back and not hang out up front where the get upset about all the pushing and screaming. I kind of wanted to punch that girl in the face, especially when she told the girlfriend, "um, your arm is, like, in my way and you’re pushing" and the girlfriend says "yeah I hate when it’s like that!"

I sweat and dance and scream and today I’m soar. when the set is over the crowd, smelly and sweaty and tired, seeps out the door, slowly, you can’t really walk left or right just straight ahead.

outside we all meet up except for the girlfriend who has dissapeared. we see breezy and jane hugs her and then gets real sad. I call the girlfriend a million times and finally she answers, she’s at the car. passed out in driver’s seat.

we part ways with excess people and meet up back at the car. pablo drives us all back to jane’s and we stay up till the wee hours drinking beers and talking shit and doing blow.

the yeah yeah yeahs was a fucking amazing show and though I say I don’t want children, i would certainly birth them for karen o. the crowd was hot and the music was fucking raw and loud and screeching and everything played out like the third track on their EP.

good company, music, conversation and drugs makes me wanna give everything up to have that perpetually. I’m also going to start wearing spandex jumpsuits just to throw people off.

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October 5, 2006

when you start wearing those jumpsuits you should post pictures.

October 9, 2006

oh jaaaime i miss you 2. like the sequel. im coming damnit i just cant say when. itd probably be unwise to use college money to buy a plane ticket, but i suppose im going to have to get loans anyway sooo whats another 200 dollars tacked onto postgraduation debt i will never repay? ill do some research and give you an ETA.

October 9, 2006

it gives me this option: you may delete this note for two minutes well anyway. this entree was good and i thoughtt for a long time about the image of this pablo, whom ive never met but gather is rather homosexual and aptly so, snorting coke off a club card. what a symbol of like, youknow, capitalism and shit.

October 9, 2006

lets talk into the wee hours, drinking and coking. but coke makes me really antsy so lets hope the drinks will calm it down.