razor edged organ

delivery order number blah blah blahh to go gogo

funny thing, I really have nothing to write about since I did this many things today:


well, it depends on your definition of “things”. “things” is a word that could be used to describer anything. your mom has a thing that she uses to snort things.

I’d write about my feeling except I don’t have any, especially since being numbed by drugs for most of the day. what I did today was feel sorry for myself and laughed a little, at myself of course. missed class. I never had any anyway. my mom said “cross your legs” and I didn’t because, well, I was twelve and to suffocate a vagina is to gag a translater. no communication leads to no sex and no sex leads to


the girlfriend and I are horribley poor at the moment but rich with, um, love or something like that. sometimes when we have sex I am completely displaced from the situation emotionally and become nothing but pure physicality, if that is in fact a word. I don’t have to think about what to do next because my body knows more than my head and my limbs move throughout her body freely, unlimited and unrestricted by my over analytical brain waaaaaaaaves. no need to think, just touch and kiss and feel and sweat and pulse until you can’t remember what you did yesterday or an hour ago or when you were eight because at that moment, you don’t even fucking exist. only your body does.

excuse the personal shit, but fuck man its a diary and god dammit the sex has been like whoa like that one song that came out a few years back and if I cant tell you about the sex who shall I tell?

perhaps my grandmother would be interested to know about the many uses of my middle and index fingers attatched to my right hand.

attended creative writing class last night. didn’t read anything I’ve written. professor is funny sometimes. I googled <A HREF="HIM and read all about him. He has some personal shit on his web page and I thought I would perhaps begin a poem with one of his beginning or write about his black lab Isabell. hahhahahhahhsahshlhldnljsbdfgbdsjfgsdfjno.

as soon as the girlfriend arrives home we are to smoke a significant amount of pot and watch the neverending story. god, I love that movie.

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ooh!! The Neverending Story…i own it…its an excellent film. A rock biter, a childlike empress, a racing snail, an ivory tower, bare-chested-laser-shooting-sphinx-ladies…its got everything. 😀

thats the best way ive ever heard somebody describe that body feeling.

parts of the neverending story are filmed in vancouver, canada and if you know what youre looking at you can see that. what a magical movie experience. you have amazing sex on a regular basis. im jealous.

ooh! oooh! you watched Degrassi. Yeah…it can get pretty cheesey….but thats kind of part of the fun…the 80sness of it!! The new ones are much more..uh…”relatable”…cuz theyre all modern and stuff. but that chick with the crazy hair is Spike. She’s totally punk rock…and Shane knocked her up on accident..then he took acid and fell off a bridge.