
I smoke a roach even though we have a whole joint, and why is this? Good question, self. the girlfriend keeps all the roaches and then when we are out of pot she breaks them apart and rolls a new joint in which she calls a “second generation joint”.

things have not been well.

the girlfriend hates her new job, it’s not what she wanted or expected. her comrad, radimes, agreed to leave their former place of employment to work for her at this new place. he came over, they talked about the menu, looked at latin american cookbooks and laughed a little. the next evening he called her to inform her he had changed his mind and was staying at his current job. which could only mean one thing really: they offered him more money to stay with them instead of go with her and he accepted.

fucking people, man.

we are low on funds and my car broke again. our friends, since becoming single, now spend more time going to clubs and parties and vaginas rather than sitting around our table smoking pot and talking shit with us. and we miss them. and our former atlas bistro social clique has now diminished due to the whole “fucking sacha over” event. and she is fighting with her mom and cried about it a lot, and I havent talked to mine in days and it seems that all we really have right now is


and its probably not healthy. but the sex has been great. and our relationship has not faultered in the least, and when I get in her car in the morning to go to work she leaves me a love note which ends with “there is a half a joint and some matches in the ashtray for your day”. to make it more tolerable or just to be sweet.

though, even with intact relationship the life around it has been dull, unexciting and lacking other people. yet, lack of friends and plans leaves more time for arting, right?


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I liked this one but the girlfriend said there is too much going on. maybe it just lacks a general theme. I tried to emphasize yellow, can you tell? feeling clogged you know? like the bong all the time. smoking too much pot and drinking even more. drank almost three bottles of wine with the thirdroommate night before last and woke up with a headache and a sticky mouth.

things will get better though. things go bad. then good. then bad again. then worse. then better. then good. and it repeats a million times.

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i feel exactly that same way about yellow.

20 dollars dont get much around here nowadays but what i could get is in the mail headed toward your dusty zipcode. that thermals poster you sent me, i hung it on my dormwall just now, literally this second, it fell down. its a sign. enjoi th’pot

I can’t tell what everything is in the collage just because it is small, but I don’t think there is “too much” going on, that’s part of the message. To me, it looks like a woman screaming & pushing away a mass of sexist bullshit, ayatollahs, commercial images of women, etc. I have no idea if that’s what you intended. I like the effect of the woman in the black dress being split in half. Davo