here is me and here is you, you are laughing

Here is a bowl of complete shit, please take it. I eat it cold but you can eat it however you want.

There is something I have been meaning to tell you: don’t forget how important I am, let me talk on my cell phone a lot for no reason other than to have something to do so I don’t feel alone.


What’s up?
Nothing, you?

Doing things like this so I don’t have to do real things: JOIN NOW!!

Man, I heard so many good reasons to join the Army Reserve on the radio today, apparently I am going to be a real hero saving little babies and shit.

At work, there are two reasons to go: one: money, and two: also money. And also I’ve been there long enough to get paid time off.

Reasons you should not go crazy:
Sanity is fun sometimes.
Uh, that’s pretty much it.

I peed my pants in first grade. I remember it very vividly. I was reading something, or, acting like I was reading something cause I had just peed my pants. I remember thinking that if it had been fluoride day I could have spilled it on me and then asked to go wash up. But it wasn’t fluoride day. Two students came over to me, it was free time or something I think, they asked why my pants were wet and I acted like I didn’t know. They were sweat pants, light blue. They weren’t mean about it I remember, more sympathetic. I told Miss Hogue, she sent me to the nurse. I walked in and said, “I peed my pants” and she said “What? You had an accident?” and I said “yeah”, thinking of how I should have said ‘accident’ not ‘peed my pants’. She gave me pink corduroy pants to wear. When I waited outside for my Mom, I covered my pants with my backpack, trying to conceal the new pants. I walked to the car that way, and inside the car I sat on the floor board of the front seat with my backpack on my pants. When we got home, I ran inside, changed into a similar pair of sweatpants, and hid the pink corduroy pants in a bag under the bathroom sink. And never told anyone. Until I was a teenager, and I still think my family sort of doesn’t believe me. But that’s only cause I did such a good job of concealing it.

Things that happen everyday: hunger. death. Stupidity. Self doubt. Mail, well except Sundays and government holidays.

A poem with significant improvement:

Once there was a boy
He loved a girl, oh joy, oh joy!!
And when she pranced at night alone
He kept on text messaging her phone

Denied by love he wept for eternities
Rejecting his bids into a dozen fraternizes
Appalled, bespoken, ravished, defeat
The girl didn’t attend his regional track meet

The anger fell upon a silk wood sorrow
Bed ridden in a Forrest of a real life horror
Engulfed in consumption of a fat sack
If only that bitch would have called him back.



I am a long squiggly green line under every word I hear. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah you want to hear about how my friend’s friend is dating this guy who used to be on meth and is, like, a total asshole to her… say the people at work.

Yes I do because I care. Because I am your friend, and I care.

At all, even a little.

But instead I say

That’s crazy.

Alone, alone on a Saturday night. Is a country song. That I could sing right now, cause maybe I relate.

Went to First Friday last night. Streets of art galleries and live bands. People have their noses up and wear a lot of make-up. Some of the art is ammmmmmmazing, like, whoa, nice, fucking beautiful and speaking and engaging and profound and oh man way better than anything I could do and that’s… discouraging.

Oh art, how I long to nestle up onto your bosom.

Noises, noises all around, but not a face to see.

Log in to write a note

yep, and he’s my boyfriend.. 🙁 yay? *sigh* i’m just going to start posting a lot of those AIM convos, it’s generally easier than trying to explain, lol

your entries always make me smile, and i’d love to have a bowl of fresh shit i eat mine with sprinkles 😉

Are we allowed to put vegemite on it? vegemite overpowers anything. Davo PS no, really, I’d probably microwave it for 30 minutes to kill the germs, grind up the residue, and add it to a coffee milkshake.

the thing called “salutations” is a poem, right? looks like a poem, has lines and stuff. a poem about the desperate vacuousness of compulsive communication in a technological society. turn it in. Davo

thanks for your notes…. Home is only tense when I’m a) at my dad’s house, or b) when stepsomething is home at mom’s house. Cool! I’m edgy! You are too. Let’s be best friends.

I loved the pee story, you remembered so much vivid detail. They didn’t insist you wash & return the corduroys for use by the next peer? Davo

the wonderful rhymes in the last poem made me cough (and I mean that in a positive way.) I can’t quite visualize “Engulfed in consumption of a fat sack” but that’s OK, poems should should not be obvious. Davo

Your creative-writing juices have just been squirting out copiously all over us here lately, that’s good to see, good stuff, good stuff. Davo

*shrugs* i never said i was ballsy.

you were a really clever first grader!!! and yes..i suppose i am a nerd…but it suits me 🙂 New episodes of Degrassi are on Fridays at 8(eastern time). But they show old episodes here and there all night long. 😀 period clot!! ahahaha!!! thats fabulous. how do you put a costume together for that? 🙂