sonic puke

I didn’t really want to write an entry right now but have done so anyway. why? I don’t know. it’s probably your smile. is something I might say if I were christian.

yesterday I did many things, none of which were work. searched for a barnes and noble in central phoenix and instead found a bookstar. purchased the creative writing book I’ve needed since the beginning of the semester and at the register the cute dark haired boy with glasses said

a writer huh?

and I said

if youre using the word writer very loosely

and he laughed a little and said to have a nice day. and I did.

banked a little, drove. had lunch with jane at the girlfriend’s new restaurant. it was the bomb dizzle yo, as expected. jane has found a chick to take her mind off breezy called vanessa. she is stoked about it since the chick is 1. hot 2. hot 3. in the popular “party scene”. apparently there are different “party scenes” and they even have names for, like, cliques of “scenes”. I didn’t know this before and I think it’s fucking stupid and it reminds me of some kind of subculture sorority or fraternity and just another way to make outsiders feel like outsiders so you can feel more like an insider to feel better about yourself.

but I didn’t say that to jane.

before they broke up they used to talk about things other than the dramatic text message that happened or how fucked up off E they were at all those parties. jane has quit her job at whole foods and dropped all of her classes except one, the only one she shares with breezy. it’s fucking lame.

spent the day writing my story for creative writing which ultimately turned out pretty shitty. whatever though, at least it will be better than Katie Jameson’s.

in class, a girl wrote a poem about ‘electric fire’ that the teacher tore apart telling her that “you used every cliche you could use. if you wanted to write for hallmark this might be okay. extra credit for anyone who can bring me in a poloroid of ‘electric fire’.”


next week I will read my ‘sleep sound’ poem aloud in class, and yes, I will want to vomit beforehand.

nothing more to tell, sorry this entry sucked, at least I’m not katie jameson.

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lol!may not have been your best entry but it gave me a laugh.thanx!

Christian is more like: why? because God has a plan for your life and mine, and he led me to write this and you to read it right now. Right now, I want you to get down on your knees, ON YOUR KNEES, and shout “JESUS, I commit my life to you!” and to prove your sincerity, I want you to take a picture of yourself with your bra off and send it to me along with $200 in cash. Praise God! Pastor Davo

That’s nice, the he made a specific comment relating to the book you were buying. If you buy something like “Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics for Dummies” they usually don’t say anything. I wonder, if somebody buys a novel, if he says “oh, a reader, huh?” probably not. Davo

that’s nice for jane,now she won’t be so sad & crying in her beer all the time. Davo

I’m sure everybody, class and instructor, will like your poem, it’s cool. Amber says a used book-sized mailing envelope, the kind with the plastic bubble-wrap lining, makes a good impromptu barf bag. That’s kinda like a tip from Martha Stewart except it’s from Amber Rose. Davo

if i were christian, i’d want to write for hallmark. the end.

did the teacher literally tear the poem apart? like..into pieces? and then did they put all the pieces in their mouth and chew them into a mushy wad? and then did they spit the wad in the author’s face? because thats what i would have done..or at least want to have witnessed. 😀

here is an amusing entry about being nervous making a class presentation, you may get a kick out of it, I did: Davo