poop for sale by owner. fresh.

this morning I was like “hey morning, whats up, you fucking suck cause you are early and you wake me up when I having sex dreams cause I am about to start my period and I haven’t been laid in, like, six days.”

Seriously, the girlfriend has been working from 8 in the morning untill 10 or 11 at night and when she comes home there is little more than giggling and showering and recapping of days events before she slips sweetly into a rock solid sleep. I should be like “bitch I don’t fucking care how fucking tired you are we gotta fuck!”

but I wouldnt do that cause I’m not, you know, a rapist or whatever.

on air america today they kept talking about the neo-con radio host and former head of education who said that the crime rate would go down if we would just abort every black baby. seriously, that’s what he said, they played the clip over and over. and yes, they played the whole clip in which he went on to say it was morally wrong and blah blah, but none the fucking less man. hahahhahaha. there arent even other republican fucks defending him because, I mean, what do you say?

the statement was simply misinterpreted, what he meant to say was ASSORT the black babies. into rows and bundles you know. and then maybe shoot them. because abortion is murder.

all in one statement that guy became an open racist. blaming the high african american crime rate on their race and not, say, the shitty environment produced by a government determined to keep the slums the slums and the poor the poor.

what stupid, filthy, elitist fucker to think that no one would notice such a comment.

end of that.

I heart niggers.


ah, in Phoenix, it’s kind of a big deal when the “best of” issue of the New Times comes out. best burger, best coffee shop, best new restuarant, best pizza, best bar, etc. I like the New Times but am fully convinced that the “best of” issue is souly political and the only establishments that are awarded are the ones that advertise with them the most.

god, I hate politics.

in this particular issue it contains a full page story on the girlfriend’s chef. the man she worked under and traveled with and we drank with him and went to barbeques at his house and blah blah. funny thing though, the interview in the article contains nothing but fabricated LIES told by him. there is some truth infused, yes, but the man is a fucking liar, a cheat, and theif. He stole a bag of pot from our house one time.

a bag of fucking pot. like, a lot of pot. like a quarter. yeah.

aaaaand, in the beginning when the girlfriend was standardizing recipes and running his kitchen and doing his work while he took the credit, he asked her to write down the recipe for her dr pepper braised pork tacos, a dish she had created. she did as she was told and gave him a written recipe. apparently this month the recipe appeared in a cook book. yes, under HIS name.

oh man, it’s great when bad people get recognition by large publications.

I’d finish this, but stuff just happened.

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