one hand in a dog’s ass

ah, no use updating on life.

I have been sick for the past three weeks and while this may not concern you or anyone who is not me, it fucking sucks and I wish it would go away. a perpetual cold, I guess. karma for something I did or didnt do or maybe for that baby I kicked and killed cause I thought it was a rodent.

skool starts the 20th and oh man am I not excited. full time work and full time school leaves time for part time things. like sex and drugs and rock and roll. though the cd player in my car has been defaced. fucking people.

today, a tall black women with a mole on her lip and a shihtzu in her arms came into the salon hoping we would bath the mutt for only twenty dollars. why she assumed this is clear: she is black therefore poor. no no, not really. I told her that for a bath, brush, nail trim, ear cleaning, expression of anal glands and light trimming on the face would, in fact, come out to 28 dollars. a bargain if you ask me, the one with my hand in the dogs ass. “what?” she exclaimed, as if I had been mistaken. “twenty eight dollars?”. “yes” I said, and rattled off the services and prices for each. “last time I only payed twenty”. I looked and the women’s card and noticed she had taken the dog in as a puppy, in which case we only charge twenty. I said “well, if the dog is over six months, which it is now, you must pay the regular grooming price.” the women, upset about the eight fucking dollars, sternly and dripping with bitch said “well fine. just forget it then!” and stormed out of the salon, filthy little shihtzu cradled in her arms.

“fucking bitch” I said as she exited. why are people so fucking fussy about a few extra dollars? though, no amount of money could have saved the ugly that was covering that poor little puppy. or adult dog, rather.

I was hung over at work today due to heavy drinking the night before. my grooming salon manager, who is now full on fucking the third roommate, came over along with oldskool pothead fran. we talk about work a lot. and I hate it cause I never wanted to be one of those people that always bitches about my job to other people who have the same job.

the girlfriend, freshly twenty one, hit the phoenix bars with a coworker who would later accompony her in doing cocaine off our kitchen counter postbarhopping. my coworkers left around midnight and jane and I smoked pot and drank beer to the stories of Jane and Breezy’s latest LA vacation. apparently they are going to be on the jimmy kimmel show because he played a hidden camera prank on them, jane flipped out and started cussing, later the producers approached them and told them what had happened, said they were funny and were going to use the footage, gave them 250 dollars and made them sign a bunch of papers. no shit man. crazy huh?

the girlfriend, speaking of, will be featured in this months’ AZ Foothills Magazine, a local magazine that caters to snoody white men who golf and eat at restaurants such as hers. she is, dare I say, a fucking bad ass.

today I left work early due to hangover. I spent the day on the couch watching ‘dead like me’ on dvd and later cooking burgers and potatoes for supper. yet, I don’t use the word supper so really it was dinner.

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you do lots of social stuff. i.e. drinking and bumping up with coworkers. or maybe that was just sacha. either way, ‘you people’ seem to have a wellstocked social life, and its interesting to read and hear about

you have a successful, goingsomewhere careerwoman as a girlfriend. kudos. plus also your work stories involve dogs annnd disgruntled patrons, which is another bonus. score.

p.s. your note made me feel kindof… bad, ungrateful, negative and the like. its a good kindof bad, though. like a “check yoself, woman” kindof bad. maybe that wasnt your intent, but thats what i got out of it. and youd be right if it were. you do that, you keep me in check sometimes.

there’s a lot of that going around. sickness, I mean, perpetual coughing. Don’t worry about karma for kicking the baby, if it had been a bona fide rat it would have just snarled at you, not died, anyway, babies are such wimps. Davo

I don’t understand people like blacklady, expecting a break on the price, maybe because she’s so charming and her filthy mutt is so cute. You’re a racist for not giving it to her for $20, though. She might have said “Oh, dear, my welfare check doesn’t come till the first, I can only afford $20, can I get just her bathed without, like, the ass thing?” but her attitude killed her. Davo

I feel bad about saying I was going to throw away the rubber pussy, we made up, it’s OK now. I can see how the material could feel creepy, but it’s nice when it’s slick with lube. Davo

the collages are interesting. Davo

Thanks for the info. is my mom still doing that? Jesus, it’s not like they need the money or anything (shakes head) Oh well, Seeya Davo

you should’ve told her you’d examine her anal glands for, i hope perpetual cold gets less perpetual soon.