freeway dancing

Eh, have been slacking on tee oh dee. I know, I know, excuses blahblah.

Here is a story suited for tee oh dee.

Yesterday after working pretty hard all day and being left to run the shop all on my own for many hours, I left since my shift was up. My job is in Happy Valley therefore it’s quite a ride home. I was on the I10 East ready to exit onto the 202 East when my car began to slow. I pressed the gas and put it in a lower gear but still no juice. I paniced. I was on the freeway, a ramp to get onto another freeway no less. I creeped my car to the side of the road where it died and smoked blew from the hood and sizzled as if a fire was brewing.


After getting over my initial state of panic I popped my hood. radiator fluid had burst out all over my engine and all over the top of my hood and the smoke bellowed out at a steady pace. I know exactly this much about automobile maintainence and repair: nothing.

I have mentioned before my hatrid for cell phones and bloated about how little I need one. yet, at this particular moment one would have come in handy.

what to do, what to do. no phone, no car, on a freeway exit in which walking would have been impossible. It was nearly 9 p.m. and the cars sped passed me uncaringly.

I popped my trunk and found an old wrinkled poster, with a pen attatched to my keys I wrote in the biggest thickest letters “NO CELL PHONE. HELP?” because, I mean, what the fuck else was I supposed to do.

I sat cross legged on my trunk and held the sign so it was visable to oncoming traffic. No one stopped for quite some time. 30, maybe 40 minutes passed. And I was thinking “please dont let it be a cop, please dont let it be a cop”. cause I hate cops and I am currently without car insurance.

Finally, a bald headed man in a newer pick up truck pulled over. He looked in his twenties and was fucking really nice. He looked at my car and said it looked as though it over heated, he instructed me to try and start it since it had cooled down. still no juice. he let me use his cell phone, I called the girlfriend at work and she left pronto to come get me. The man left and I sat there. for a long time. the girlfriend apparently got lost and thought I said west and not east.

about ten minutes before she arrived I attempted to start my car and it started right up. I was stoked cause tow trucks are expensive and timely. I drove my car home but it was smoking, the blinkers wouldn’t work, and it was making a loud clicking sound.

If my car dyes I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do.

other things happened and also I need to leave notes back but am being lazy and selfish. fuck this

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Hey, that’s pretty resourceful, I guess, the sign making and all. The car, though. Shitty.

you could hook up with Art Alexakis cause he will buy you a new car perfect shiny and new

you shouldve had unprotected sex with that guy on your smokedout hood. then when he came inside you and you were all sticky and seeping with sperm hed say that was hot. was it your radiator or was it you and now u will say ewwwomgthat was graffic u r gross

you have the best luck when it comes to cars

heres a healthy alternative to enduring incidents like these: never leave the house except to get the mail so you can take transcription courses and get your PhD via distance education then you could be an online doctor and youd never have to go to presumably unHappy Valley ever again. on a serious note, good luck with el automobile.

more you shoulds: you should go to disney land cause i hear it truly is a Happy place. but if it werent youd come back with a scowl and more contempt for mankind and its mechanical entertainment and a clever nickname like Dismal land. someone should pay you to have traumatic experiences for purposes of writing about them. id i had a billion dollars, i’d fund it.

good adventure story. Bad place to be stuck, you’re lucky there was a place to pull off. I’m surprised no cop came, they seem to show up pretty quickly when things like that happen, I think passing motorists call them. People are afraid to stop for males, but I thought men would be faling all over themselves to help a damsel in distress. chivalry is dead, I guess. next time flash your tits. Davo

cop would have been good then, though, he could have put his big-ass flashers on so nobody rams into you, that’s the worst danger. He probably wouldn’t ask for insurance. I like amber’s witty suggestion about the hood-sex. Overheating can kill a car, can warp the heads & stuff. but it may not have. Replace the hose or whatever caused the leak, refill it and give it a try. good luck Davo

OMG! your GAY! thats a sin you know that right any way adam and eve not adam and steve. what ever floats your boat, don’t know how could enjoy yourself though, you sure u just ain’t best friends?