stuff just happened

I was thinking of switching to livejournal.

jay kay

my hair smells good.

I sure do wish the girlfriend was here right now cause then maybe I wouldnt be so bored. haha, get it? no, cause there’s nothing to get.

Today I awoke with intentions of hating my day but instead ended up not hating it. Perhaps it was the feel of the cool morning air or the fact that the world’s not so bad.

I bathed a rot/boxer mix called Adam. he gazed at me with droopy, longing eyes. He didn’t want to be here and I don’t blame him, I pull at him and throw him around and I quicked his nail and watched the blood crawl out onto the tile floor. Yet his coat came out shiny and his eyes regained a look of joy as soon as I stopped fucking around with him. When the women came to pick them up (he had came with a nearly identical mate called Eve), she handed me a twenty dollar bill.

Some dogs I enjoy, I play with them and gaze at them and growl right back at them. Today inparticular brought a black lab mix called Shadow. She was smart and friendly and when I shampooed her she relaxed her body and acted as if I was giving her a message. which, really, I was. Her owner, a twenty-ish attractive man with thin rimmed glasses, showed me her tricks before I took her and as the day went on I began to play with Shadow and ask her to perform the tricks for the other groomers. She did so with ease and seemed to enjoy the attention.

The man returned to pick up Shadow and I must admit I was. sad. I told him about how much I enjoyed her and he told me a little about where he adopted her and how woderfully intelligent she was. Before he left he asked if I’d write down the salon number and my name- he said he’d never take Shadow to another bather/brusher again. I was pleased. as punch. but not as sweet. and I’d be spiked. like in that episode of Doug. either way, that dog kicked ass.

I have, since season two, been obsessed with Americas Next Top Model. I recently rented the first season on DVD and have watched nearly all the episodes. I mention this because I’ve become obsessed with one of the models. She is fucking beautiful in this high fashion androgynous way and the only one who was at all smart. After the show she wrote for Bust and she keeps a livejournal. Her name is Elyse Sewell and I am fucking obsessed with her. The way she looks and talks and acts is fucking beautiful. Her live journal is witty and smart and articulate and well composed and awfully filled with exciting life events.

I’d write more but stuff just happened.

Log in to write a note

nothing to get? are you sure? I’ll still keep trying for a while. till I get bored. Get it, till I get bored? good story about Shadow. If you love your work & it shows, you will have a loyal clientele. I looked up that model. yeah, she has an interesting journal. Davo