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fuck man five days or something without this diary makes me antsy. and the girlfriend says “what are you going to do on your day off” and I say “write in teen open diary” and then we FUCK

man it’s fucking hot in Phoenix like omg hot and I have no air conditioning in my car. like you care

I have been working and also making plans to overthrow the soon to be grooming salon manager because she is stupid and has no managerial skills. first step was to make an alliance with the two other employees. It was easy to get the other bather/brusher on my side since she already hates the soon to be grooming salon manager (aka the oily haired chick). I said “so what do you think of Jess” and she talked shit for an hour. I also discovered she is a pot smoker so I told her I could get her chronic whenever she wanted and she seemed stoked. I am also planning on bringing her a joint and giving it to her just to seal the alliance. more to come- stay tuned.

the girlfriend and I went car shopping. we went to a toyota dealership and they were pushy and took her debit card so we couldn’t leave. she drove a civic, liked it, was interested. but since we sat there for an hour as they tried to swindle us, she liked the car less and less. the girlfriend takes absolutely no shit from car salesman and after the last deal they offered (which was, really, a pretty good deal) she told them she thought they were “dishonest” and the whole industry was “ridiculous and dishonest”. the salesman was offended, a young buck no older than us, and horribly intimidated by her honesty. all he could say was “no, it’s not.” the girlfriend can intimidate the hell out of people, even tough gear head boys. When we entered the cubicle the guy sat down on his keys and said “ouch, that hurt my ass” and the girlfriend, quickly and without thinking, said “I bet that’s not the first time you said that.”

I don’t know about Weezer’s new album. God, what happened to the Pinkerton years? Rivers is just not as depressed as he used to be.

last night I went to eat at the girlfriend’s restaurant all by myself. I brought a book. she wanted me to try the new menu she has created for summer, but instead she just ended up sending me food. I enjoy going to Atlas, even as a single. I feel like a fucking celebrity or something. The servers (who are also the owners) know me and sit with me and talk and the rich doctor who took us to eat at that sushi place was there with a 12 top, they were drinking thousands of dollars worth of wine. he came over for a while, and Radames (the sous chef) came out and had dessert with me. but my favorite part of the experience is having the girlfriend run my food. because when the chef brings out your dish personally, it reallllly makes you feel special. and I can watch her work the room. sport her jacket and shake peoples hands, explain the food, laugh and be fake with the rich and snobby and joke and be humble with her true admirers. she is really fucking amazing.

I drank a bottle of wine that I thought was too warm and dry and for dessert they brought me a bottle of nice champagne. after the dining room had cleared, all but the 12 top since they are vip and the owners sat with them and drank their wine, the girlfriend joined Radames and I and drank, not the expensive champagne or sporty wines, but a cheap rum and coke that she had made for herself in the back.

eventually the 12 top went outside to smoke cigars and Atlas even set up a table out there so they could smoke their filthy cigars and be manly men. we finished up and said our goodbyes to the table outside, upon which the rich doctor gave the girlfriend a nice bottle of olive oil as a gift.

the whole evening was very intoxicating and I enjoyed the good food and good wine and good company and by the end of the evening I felt deliciously irrisistable.

at home Radames joined us for some beer and a joint and he talks a lot. I fixed the girlfriend dinner and we talked about growing up poor. Later we showered. and of course there was fucking and man sometimes I really enjoy my life.

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you’re entry is rather amusing.”the soon to be grooming salon manager” sounds like an annoyancegood luck with overthrowing her.i read the rest of the entrybut i have the worst memory ever

your**i’m rather retardedsorry about that

i would enjoy your life too.

I like the idea of the grooming saloon coup, conspirators bonding by dope, etc. I’m glad you’re enjoying the job. Davo