gross. I’d never do that.

tonight my friends is the season finale of The L Word. Will Tina die giving birth to Bett’s baby? Will Jenny realize what a fucking freak she is and stop stripping? Could Shane get more attractive? No.

I got my research paper back in English. I did that paper in one night, stayed up until five a.m. and even gave some bogus sources. Buuuuuuuut I got an 86% which was fucking fine by me. A high B. Haha, that just made me think of a wasp getting stoned. I loved my english teacher, she was funny and smart and experienced and knew everything, seriously EVERYTHING. On the end of my paper she wrote that it was “an excellent essay” and it said “I felt like I was having an intelligent conversation as I read this.” FUCK YEAH! It’s when fucking cool, smart, old, english teachers tell me I do good work that I really think I’m not so… mediocre. Or would it be “do work well”?

I have been working. A lot. 10-6. Full time for me is not something I’m used to. The hours of the day slip away while I am squeezing anal glands.

I like this new job but I hate the oily haired chick. She’s fucking stupid, uses double negatives like CRAZY, and she pawns off her work on everyone else, especially me since I’m new. She talks shit about the other groomer only because she knows the other groomer is better than her. She leaves early, she never cleans the kennels, and repeats herself constantly. She says she’s the grooming manager even though it’s not official, and god willing it will never be. She has poor managerial skills, lives with her Dad and has two fucking kids at 21.

This chick makes me sick. And not just cause of her hair. And not just cause of above mentioned. It’s just the vibe I get from her, she’s not a good person. She’s shady and loud and says stuff like “you’ll do my paperwork for me cause you love me right?” and I want to say “FUCK NO DO IT YOURSELF” but I don’t.

Today I bathed and clipped and cleaned and squeezed a black lab named Jake who was sweet and cuddley and pretty and smart and I wanted to take him home. But I couldn’t do that. Gordon is still my number one man

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Tomorrow is more work. The girlfriend is off and will spend her day cooking because she doesn’t do enough of that at work. Though, I will get food. and be like ajbbfgiaubsguarb and then swallow.

Breezy got a job at the starbucks on mill and Jane got a job at the whole foods market in paradise valley and that’s just so fucking lesbian I can’t even express it.

Speaking of lesbian, L Word starts in two hours. YES!

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you are evolving and putting pix on your teeohdee. idont know how ifeel about this butttt thumbs up.

ohh, work stories how i do love thee. that chick sounds like the embodiment of a person most people shouldnt and dont want to be around. and youve picked up on it. bravooo. Bound was on Bravo last night. and they totally cut the sex scenes. thumbs down

How often are you required to squeeze anal glands? Can you do it to people? Does every dog that comes in need its anal gland squeezed?

I didn’t know squeezing anal glands was part of grooming. Is that like a special “extra” they pay for or give you a tip for? The dog doesn’t mind? or maybe even gets off on it? I never had it done to my dog. It’s good that you are not squeamish. Was amber referring to this procedure when she wrote “butttt thumbs up” in her note? Davo

your dog looks noble. whole foods, lesbian, yes. I didn’t think of starbucks that way, but now that you mention it, I knew a lesbianish girl who used to work at one. Earth mother type. fine-looking dog. Davo