beating bestiality

by bathing puppies.

Today was Jaime’s first day of work. And when I say Jaime I mean me. Just so you know. I put the me in Jaime. I think that was Amber’s quote.

I spent many, many hours with the oily haired chick. She “showed me the ropes” as you say. Or they say. Or whatever. When I got there she was finishing up Loopy, a lab/chow mix who came in with Snoopy, his brother. Since they were the last dogs on the books I was not able to bathe or brush or kill. Sooooooooooo I learned how to take appointments, paper work, clean blah blah. She fucked something up and said “jesus chri- oh, I hope that doesn’t offend you.” This chick is awfully loud, brash and sort of immature. She had a giant zit right by her eye and it was hard not to look at it. She is 21 and has two kids, 3 and 8 months. She asked if I had a boyfriend and I said, “uh, no” and nothing further. Why? I don’t fucking know. It’s hard to tell people you are a raging fucking homosexual. She’ll know soon enough. Like when I slip her the tongue.

There are a number of young boyz who work at the petco store. They wear skate shoes and have styled hair and were interested in the new bather/brusher that was hired for the grooming center. One of them asked the oily haired chick if she would introduce me to him, and so she did. His name was Nate. Or Nick. Fuck I can’t remember, something one syllable that started with an N. He came in and hung out in the grooming center while I mopped and said stuff like “don’t let her boss you around”. I didn’t really say anything to him and to be honest it’s been quite some time since I’ve been around young straight boyz and it makes me kind of uncomfortable. He seemed friendly enough though, welcoming or whatever.

While taking out the trash I discovered the young boyz break area, they all sat around and smoked cigarettes and ate chips by the dumpster and as I walked by they asked if I wanted to smoke with them. And I said no thanks, I don’t smoke. Apparently, fucking everyone there smokes and you can take a smoking break whenever you want. The oily haired chick calls them “cancer sticks” which I thought was cheesy and dated. After my shift her and some other chick invited me to eat with them next door and I declined. I said I had homework. Which was a lie. God I am such a judgmental bitch.

Last night we ate shish kabobs at Jane and Breezy’s and tasted all this gross wine the girlfriend is being forced to pair with a menu. The owner of her restaurant is using this wine as a “favor” to his friend who makes it. I must say that I think its suuuuuuuch bulllllllshit she was given shitty wine to work with ‘cause of personal relationships and it’s just a classic fucking example of how many politics are involved in evvverything. But I still drank a million too many glasses, like always, and fell asleep prematurely and without secks.

Ah, shit man days are long and now include more things. I wish I had a regular summer vacation like when I was in grade school and would ride my bike to Emerald Tattarin’s house on my chrome Shwinn that my dad got me for my twelfth birthday.

And then it got stolen. Cause everything is a disappointment. Or so the little girl from that shitty Brittany Murphy movie says.

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man, now youll have a million more work stories. im excited. i knew some chix who were dog groomers. i heard a story about a Lhasa Apso they groomed and i guess its eye popped out of its socket. it still worked and all, but it freakd out the girl. she showed it to someone and they were like, “oh that happens all the time” and popped it back in. then put the bow back in its hair

be careful about letting people show you the ropes. they might hang you with them. or bind you, gag you, and uh clip your toenails

when i said women and men r not and cannot be equal in every way, i never said one was superior and the other inferior. there are, of course, physical differences that make a difference in our performance of different tasks, but there are also many and diverse psychological and emotional differences. some women and/or men overcome these differences to reach their dreams, and congrats to them.

but the differences are still there for the vast majority of us, and always will be. there will always be some tasks and jobs women prefer and some men prefer and we’re not going to be equal in EVERY single area, which radical feminists seem to be in denial about. yes, prostitution in the sense u talked about it would help the problems i mentioned. however, if it were legalized and those things

required, let’s face it, most heads of prostitution rings r in it for the money, not because they care about the girls, so sanitation and safety and age will be last on their list of priorities. money will always come first. sure, there may be some that follow regulations, but many won’t. thus is the nature of the human being. selfishness.

and on abortion, nothing u say will change my mind and nothing i say will change urs. it’s a difference of opinion, but a difference of opinion that can affect… or end… lives. unborn babies r not simply fetuses. that’s the justification used for abortion. but do u know how soon that ‘fetus’s’ heart starts beating after conception? i would say that qualifies as alive. -Emily*

Thanks for all the notes, I knew I could count on you for good feedback. I’ll digest yours & other’s notes & do a followup, so I won’t say much about that now. Good entry here. “She’ll know soon enough. Like when I slip her the tongue.” made me choke on my morning tea. Davo

I see we have a new character, “oily haired chick” great. The people there seem nice and friendly, though it does seem a little like a time warp there in happy valley, everybody smoking “cancer sticks”. I think that was one of my grandfather’s sardonic witticisms. Davo

I liked the little paragraph about being 12 and riding your bike to Emerald Tattarin’s house, nice thought. I didn’t know Emerald, but I liked those summers, too. Also, my Schwinn wasn’t chrome but it did get stolen, too. I also hope you write more now & tell lots of work stories. Davo

I volunteer twice weekly t the humne society plce, nd the women who run the joint re ll quite brsh smokers. Something bout people who bthe dogs ll dy. It could hppen to you.