here is some money for you

so it’s been a million years but fuck it.

the thing on my face went away. it took a while. but it’s gone now. it was probably cancer. and will later resurface.

crazy shit has happened. your mom told me she didnt want to fuck me anymore. it was a sad day. for your mom.

finals, finals, everywhere but not a drop to drink. or think. I stayed up till five a.m. and wrote an eight page research paper.

the girlfriend’s grandmother died. she owned a light house on lake michigan appraised at 27 million dollars. what this means is in six months to a year the girlfriend’s mom stands to inherent almost three million dollars. I think I can rightly speak for everyone when I say

holy fucking shit.

three fucking million dollars! hoooolllllllly shiiiiiiiiit.

apparently she has agreed to pay off any debt the girlfriend has, including paying off her car. credit cards. everything. and wants to plan a cruise to Amsterdam.

the girlfriend inherented a set of chairs worth thirty thousand dollars.

thiiiiiiiirty thouuuuuuuusand dollars!

but she says. she will not sell them. but fuck. thirty thousand dollars. three million dollars. money is so fucking crazy. the prospect of someone close to you having a surplus of money is rather, hmm, confusing I guess.

the girlfriend could go to an ivy league school if she so desired. she could open up her own restaurant if she so desires. she could ask her mom to buy her a fucking condo.

it’s really too much for me to put my head around and I guess it really hasn’t sank in for her yet.

the crazy thing is, it’s set in stone. there is no way her mother is NOT going to get at least three million dollars, after taxes.

I’ve never fucking known anyone who had more than a million. fuck, more than a few thousand. this whole thing is


but it shouldn’t be.

I don’t know. fucking craziness. is all I can really say about it. and holy fucking shit. three million dollars. thats more than some people make in a lifetime.

god damn.

after finals week, I will start writing again. everyday. I promise. and holy shit. three fucking million dollars.


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I’d probably hate me too♥

can i have some $$$? now that you are a millionaire and all of that.

wow, $3 million. even though it’s really her mom’s, it sounds like enough will trickle down to change her life, and yours somewhat, too. I’m going to buy a lottery ticket so I can write an entry like this, but without the lighthouse and $30K chairs. (I’d sell the chairs, btw, I’d be embarassed to tell someone I had $30K chairs) Davo

and the thing about my mom is, when she gets like that, just slap her around a bit, whup, whup, she gets all lovey-dovey after that. All women are like that, I thought you knew. Davo PS 3 million dollars, holy shit

rodney dangerfield says his wife told him that she would only have sex with him once a month. It could be worse, he says, he knows a couple guys she cut off completely. Davo

oh, and sorry to hear about the girlfriend’s grandmother. Davo

Holyshit. Sweet Jesus. That is so much money. Wow, so much MONEY.

one time science proved chicks with smaller breasts do in fact have more sensitive nipples. ill give you like 5 dollars per month to give me more notes

i guess the best thing death can be is profitable. still sad, nooo doubt; but a few million might make the grieving process a bit easier. or is that shallow? notsure.