part one of two

I just wrote an incredibly lengthy entry that didn’t save and was lost.

fuck you.

God I can’t believe that.

I went over my drug history and weekend party.

Saturday night there were a number of people at our apartment including a gaychick who looked like, and mostly sounded like, Shane from The L Word. too bad she was dumb. there was a chick with balls who face planted into our end table, lamegayboyz who didnt drink, and the next day I went to work in the same clothes I slept it.

Monday I snorted cocaine off one of the girlfriend’s business cards and felt the chemicals drip down my throat as my right nostril turned numb.

not even kidding this time.

At one point I will get my life together. Until then, stay tuned for a more in depth diary entry.

Log in to write a note

and by “business cards” you meant “ass”

though in context, that makes it sounds like she has more than one of those. using the word ass incombination with the word cheek is uncomfortable. unless the phrase tongue in cheek is used

i wonder if you used your right nostril because youre right handed. heres a question: did your primary nostril get clogged and you had to resort to the other one? in my experience thats what happened. but it was pharmaceuticals, not cocaine. congrats you are now officially a citizen cokane

no snotty sarcasm intended by ‘congrats’ either, i swear. just kindof… something to say you know

Oh, the chick with the balls, again? That is so neat.

Oh, also, reading your notes, I’m a left nostril snorter (though not of cocaine), and I am right handed.

What do you mean by that? Do you mean that on this diary thing that i must you proper english to get your approval? I am sorry that on this I do not always use proper grammer forgive me, but I am not illitereate.